- The way that mnet rpc functions are registered. Plugins must now
create db/mnet.php which is an array, similar to services.php. This
*replaces* the old mnet_publishes() functions. version.php must be
bumped to trigger this.
- More information about each rpc-available function is stored in the
database, including the class it belongs to, the file it is found in,
and whether or not it is static. Methods that are not static must be
in a class with a constructor that takes no arguments (this can easily
be achieved with a small wrapper if necessary)
- The xmlrpc dispatcher has been rewritten to remove all the
dependencies on hardcoded information about auth,mnet,portfolio and
repository, and just use the information in the database.
- The old hardcoded hidden mnet/testclient.php has been moved to the
Admin menu under "Development" and rewritten.
- The xmlrpc introspection method profiling is now using php and zend
reflection - which is a lot nicer than the old way, which was using a
php-based php parser. This fixes some inconsistent handling of
methods without arguments that were advertising their return value as
the only method parameter. While this is a *fix*, it breaks BC
slightly - the old 1.9 broken mnet/testclient.php will now not work
properly with 2.0
- Dangerous mode is still supported, but old mod/*/rpclib.php is
now unsupported, due to the fact that any plugin can export mnet
functions with db/mnet.php. This is a slight BC break.
Still TODO:
- Document the two small BC breaks in release notes
- Document the contract for db/mnet.php
This commit includes:
- leap2a portfolio format, and xml writer
- proof of concept implementation in forum and assignment modules
- a lot of refactoring of the portfolio formats in general:
- addition of "abstract" formats - this is necessary for plugins to be able to support groups of formats
- addition of the idea of portfolio formats conflicting with eachother - eg richhtml & plainhtml
it touches modules other than assignment and forum, because the format api
changed and now each place in moodle that exports portfolio content has to deal
with the formats it supports slightly differently.
At the moment the Mahara portfolio still doesn't support this format, because I
haven't done the Mahara side yet. The "file download" plugin supports it
Still todo:
- Add support for the other places in Moodle (glossary, data, etc)
- Write tests, once the rest of the portfolio tests have been updated to use the new DB mocking stuff
- Fix a bunch of TODOs
lots of work to elegantly resolve the issue between interactive browser
sessions and "pull" portfolio plugins that cause a race condition where we lose
the ability to display information to the user if the pull cleans up the export
first. this also improves the portfolio transfer log display for later
For plugins that don't support it, we can work around the external
redirect issue by returning to a special url.
This also adds on selective cancelling/continuing of current exports.
It needs a lot of testing, but seems to be working reasonably well.
Some plugins need updating now, however
this is the first step in moving towards supporting multiple exports per session.
however, some plugins aren't going to be able to support this (eg box.net) so
we add the instance to the tempdata table, so that we can quickly check whether
we have an export of the same *type* of plugin in the session.
Added much needed documentation to the portfolio "scripts" (the libs are all
fine), and moved all parameter fetching from the body of the file to the top.
Also added a parameter to verify reawaken so that when we are just viewing queued transfer logs it can be in a different session (sesskey verification)
Especially as some of the functions shared by base classes (portfolio plugin vs caller) were the same
it was getting a bit unweildy to have all this in one file.