The following are notable changes made in this commit
* Lesson page type are now class based and extend an abstract class. This includes a class for the page type and a class for the creating/editing a instance of this page.
* Converted all forms to mforms
* Action script located in mod/action/* were worked into the above so far less switch statements and the action directory will be removed.
* Implements a custom renderer
* Converted everything to use page, output, and custom renderer methods
* Replaced all deprecated methods incl. print_textarea conversions
* Tried to cut down on excessive DB calls.
Things worth noting:
* The focus of this patch was on cleaning up the module not rewriting it, as such I have organized NOT rewritten. There are still many areas in the module where the code could be greatly improved however to do so would require a rethink/rewrite
Remove the responsibility for loging the application of the course start date offset, from activity modules to the backup module.
Merged from stable branch
Led to reducing some redundant code in action/continue.php
Also, a bug fix in locallib.php for function lesson_print_submit_link (needed to add slashes or else js would break)
* Add fields to restore form to enable changes to Short Name, Full Name and Start Date
* Start Date offset added to Restore process
* Created Restorelog file in Course files area
* Activity Modules use offset to change dates
* Activity Modules write changes to Restorelog
Updated backup and restore to include the new values
Fixed a bug in restore where it would restore 1 lesson_default per lesson. Now only stores one per course.
Went through all the backuplib.php, restorelib.php, mysql.sql and postgres7.sql to make sure everything was in synch and being backed up and restored.
[Added] Graceful fails added to view.php, essay grading, and reports
[Changed] got rid of a lot of references to $_POST/GET/REQUEST
[Fixed] In reports, it required teacheredit, should only be teacher
[Changed] High scores - teachers can actually see them! Also, improved output by using print_table and print_heading
[Changed] Grade essays now uses fullname() to print user names
Added new function, import_backup_file_silently
Changed everything that prints stuff to check for a constant first.
Backup_flush checks a different constant, this is so that output can still
get flushed to the browser when necessary but not print <li>s everywhere.
Please test this!
This patch allows the much requested selection of individual instances of modules within a course to backup and restore.
It needs A LOT of testing and probably some prettyifying too.
Complete refactoring of the system that was really awful (my fault!).
Now everything is in its place and working like a charm, making things really
easier to be implemented and amplied. Bug 3678
Note: Everything is merged from stable but the quiz module because it has
other changes not merged for now. I've skyped a message to Gustav about it.
Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
In a lesson's settings one can now set the current lesson to be dependent on another lesson in the same course. Then, the user can set the conditions for the dependency. Currently the conditions are time spent, grade better than X, and completed (yes/no).
some important bugs. Now everything seems to work properly with
lessons and backup/restore.
Only 1 pending change: Should the answer->grade field in old backups
go to the new score field??????