- Part of: MDL-69588
A lot of tests work on the basis that you can follow the last item
of the breadcrumb nav bar. This is not the case. This step will first
check to see if the page is already the one requested. If it is then
nothing further needs to happen, otherwise we follow the link in the
- Part of: MDL-69588
Some pages have added an item to the end of the navbar without a
link for it. This adds the current page as a url to this navigation
node. Doing this brings it in line with all of the other pages
around Moodle and also helps with the new navigation changes in
theme boost.
This implementation will introduce a qbank plugin "exporquestions"
which will add the export feature in the question bank view
by replacing the core classes. Having this plugin will give users
the flexibility of enabling or disabling the export questions tab.
Co-Authored-By: Guillermo Gomez Arias <guillermogomez@catalyst-au.net>
This implementation will introduce a qbank plugin "importquestions"
which will allow user to import a bank of questions in the question bank view
by replacing the core class. Having this plugin will give users
the flexibility of enabling or disabling the question import
in the question bank view.
Co-Authored-By: Marc-Alexandre <marc-alexandreghaly@catalyst-ca.net>
This implementation will introduce a qbank plugin "editquestion"
which will implement the edit question, add question and copy
question actions in the question bank view by replacing the
core classes. Having this plugin will give users the
flexibility of enabling or disabling these actions.
Adapt the current course editing libraries to modify also
the course state data. This way, any UI component that
watches the course structure can react to the changes.
The course index is the first UI component that implements the new
drawers and the reactive components. The course index uses the course
state to present the current course structure and changes whenever
that structure change.
Now a reactive component could inherit the reactive instance from the
parent DOM element. This way components are more reusable. Apart, some
new state updates have been added. To the previous create, update and
delete, now the update message could provide also put and override,
making the state update message more REST alike and simplifying the
backend returns processing.
This implementation will introduce a qbank plugin
"deletequestion" which will implement the delete question
action in the question bank view by replacing the core
class. Having this plugin will give users the
flexibility of enabling or disabling this action.