* Add "Preview" and "Use this preset" menus to the preset plugin page's
burger menu
* Refactor importmapping dialogue to use the 'data-action' selector
* Add a new set_kebab_trigger action menu method
* Use set_additional_classes method for action menu
* Remove redundant parameter to add_action_menu
On the Database page:
- The List/single view is displayed in the right.
- The buttons Import entries, export entries and Export to portfolio
have been moved to the Actions menu.
- The List/Single view headings have been removed.
- The "Save settings" secondary button is hidden when advanced search
is enabled.
- The result (Found X out of Y entries, No records found) are not
displayed as notifications anymore.
On the Presets page:
- The buttons (Import, Export and Save as preset) have been moved to an
actions menu to the tertiary navigation. Some of these options have been
- Remove the Action column heading from the table.
On the Presets preview page:
- Move the preset name to the heading in the tertiary navigation (Preview
of xxxxx), and remove the current preset name from the page.
- Align the List/single template to the right in the tertiary navigation.
- Make primary the "Use this preset" button.
On the Fields page:
- Remove the "Manage fields" menu.
- Remove the Export and Save as preset from the tertiary navigation.
- Align Create a field to the right in the tertiary navigation.
- Add a description at the top of the page.
- Remove the Action column heading from the table.
- Move field actions (Edit and Delete) to ellipsis.
On the Templates page:
- Move Export and Save as preset to the Actions menu.
- Move the templates list to a tertiary navigation selector and remove
the template heading.
- Reorder the templates list (Add entry template should be displayed
at the begining, instead of List template).
- Rename "Enable editor" to "Enable code editor".
* Use a modal instead of a standard page to select the preset file
and import it.
* Change the zero state import button to a modal dialog so it uses the same
workflow as on the preset page
Each template should display at the top the information about the
user who has created the entry, when it was created and modified.
Apart from that, this commit also includes:
- For the Journal preset, a link on each card entry title has been
added, to open the Single view.
- For the Resources preset, the Author field has been renamed to
"Author of resource" and the Description to "Content".
- For the Resources preset, the Author and Type fields will be
hidden in the List view for small devices.
The mod_data is forcing teachers to understand how to write templates
even if they want to use basic forms. With this patch the default
templates will be auto updated unless the user manually define the
Apart from updating the default templates, to make them look better,
they have been also moved to mustache files, in order to make it easier
to edit them.
This commit adds support to description field for presets:
- For plugin presets, description will be stored in the module_help
string in lang files.
- For saved presets, a new element, <description>, has been added
to the preset.xml file, to include this information.
A new field has been added to the "Save as preset" modal, to let users
define description (which is empty by default, to support pre-existing
presets that won't have it).
Apart from that, the "Save as preset" workflow has been slightly improved,
following the Product UX/UX suggestions to hide the checkbox to overwrite
the preset by default and show it only if the user tries to save a preset
with an existing name.
- Add a new help text.
- Add captions to table columns.
- Move action icons to action menu, and fix code to display the remove
action only for presets created by users.
- CSS improvements to fit the prototype.
In order to achive the previous points, the renderer has been improved,
to return the data and let the mustache to print it properly (instead of
returning the formatted HTML table).
The following commit disables the acivity header information in
pages where this information is not required, adds missing headings,
updates the breadcrumbs, repositions the groups selector in the
database view page.
- Changed text to 'Manage fields' in the primary dropdown
- Change text to 'Create a new field' in the add new field dropdown
- Add a header when on 'Manage fields' page.
* Set appropriate heading element IDs
* Replace usages of deprecated HTML tag acronym with abbr instead.
* Add a label for the export fields fieldset.
* Move the CSV delimiter list outside the radio group.
* Fix div under a label element and duplicate labels
for the checkboxes of the fields to be exported by showing the field
name and type together.
* Group the fields to be exported as a fieldset.
* Move unsupported fields into a separate list.
* Move export options into its own section and group the options as a
Significant string changes:
* direct:view,gradeimport_direct - wording corrected from 'CSV' to
* limitanswers_help,mod_choice - additional wording added explaining how
the setting works with groups
* pluginname,customfield_text - 'Text field' plugin renamed to
'Short text'