* each plugin has own thirdpartylibs.xml file
* added missing libraries
* fixed existing library infos
* new Site administration / Development / Third party libraries page
This plugin is heavily based on the uploadpdf plugin from
Davo Smith <>. This is a fantastic plugin
that provides a great benefit for teachers marking assignments.
A big thankyou to Davo for writing the plugin and helping us to
get it integrated to core.
The plugin provides a pdf editing interface in the teachers browser
that lets them add comments and annotations to a students assignment
submission. The comment and annotations are then added to a pdf version
of the students submission which is send back to the student so they can
download it, or read it online.
This plugin has been primarily worked on by Damyon Wiese, Jerome Mouneyrac
and Barbara Ramiro. We have also had great feedback and suggestions from others
including the entire frontend team, Martin and Frederic Massart.
This patch adds lots of webservices to the assignment module.
* mod_assign_revert_submissions_to_draft
* mod_assign_lock_submissions
* mod_assign_unlock_submissions
* mod_assign_save_submission
* mod_assign_submit_for_grading
* mod_assign_save_grade
* mod_assign_save_user_extensions
* mod_assign_reveal_identities
* mod_assign_copy_previous_attempt
All features such as reopening attempts and marking workflow are supported through
the save_grade and save_submission functions.
Uploading files is supported by sending draft item ids for the files_filemanager param the same functions.
The "Upload multiple feedback files in a zip" feature is convenient, but requires that
the files sit directly within the zip file. As the files will most likely be extracted
to a folder after downloading, it's quite reasonable to expect teachers to zip the
folder up rather than selecting all files and zipping them. This patch allows for a
zipped folder to be uploaded; if the only file found after extracting is a directory,
the contents of the directory are used instead of the results of the extraction.
The entry in the assign_grades table contains grades feedback and other settings such as locked.
Only send the student an email about new feedback if it is actually grades or feedback that
has been added. This is done by using another state for the mailed flag (2) which means "unset".
When group submissions and blind marking are enabled, an error is thrown
when a teacher trys to download all submissions in a zip. The fix is to
move the url rewriting from the plugin to the assign class so it is
done in a standard way by all modules. The rewriting is done to make images
in a text editor field resolve correctly.