- Fields added to format_legacy as default course format options;
- Upgrade script copies fields values from table course to course_format_options;
- Fields removed from table course;
- Fields removed from edit course form;
- Since front-page course has a 'numsections' setting, format_site defines it as it's option;
- Removed accessing those fields in core code unless we know that format supports them and in this
case instead of $course = $DB->get_record('course'); we use:
$course = course_get_format($courseorid)->get_course(); This way all format-specific options
are added to the $course object
- Course format may define additional fields (format options) to store for course and each section
- Edit course form allows to edit format-specific options and refreshes their list on format change
- Course format may provide it's own form for editing a section
- Default form for editing section allows to edit all format-specific fields
- Class section_info refactored, it defines magic methods such as __get() to access basic section
information and format-specific options (retrieved only on the first request)
- format_base::update_course_format_options() allows to watch pre-update state of the course,
format_legacy automatically copies the options with the same names between formats
- Avoid using field course_sections.sequence for retrieving the modules list, use functionality from
get_fast_modinfo() instead;
- In the following functions/methods mark arguments $mod, $modnames, $modnamesused and $sections as
not used because they can be taken any time from get_fast_modinfo():
- function print_section()
- protected function format_section_renderer_base::section_summary()
- private function format_section_renderer_base::section_activity_summary
- public function format_section_renderer_base::print_single_section_page
- public function format_section_renderer_base::print_multiple_section_page
- added function get_module_types_names() returning the list of localised strings used for module names;
- added function cm_info::get_used_module_names();
- added magic properties cm_info:: and cm_info:: returning human readable module name;
- replaced usage of function get_all_mods() with get_fast_modinfo() and get_module_types_names();
- function print_section_add_menus() may now retrieve the modules names list itself;
- deprecated function get_all_mods()
Function add_mod_to_section() has very confusing arguments when object looks like record from
table course_modules but field ->section refers to relative section number (course_sections.section).
In table course_modules the field section refers to course_sections.id.
Also add_mod_to_section() does not update table course_modules and does not call rebuild_course_cache()
which developer can forget to do afterwards.
- Added function course_add_cm_to_section()
- In the core code add_mod_to_section() is replaced with course_add_cm_to_section()
- Function add_mod_to_section() is deprecated
This reverts commit 954c272e548c0578fde9d1bc0979ac46b72bc3b9.
With MDL-35714, each test gets gc_collect_cycles() called, so
no need to call it "manually".
- added class format_base as the base for all course formats
- added class format_site for the pseudo-format 'site' used for displaying activities on the front page
- added class format_legacy that overrides format_base functions with calling old-style 'callback_xxx' functions
- replaced all usage of 'callback_xxx' functions with format_base methods
- made arguments of get_section_name(), get_course_url() more flexible
- deprecated function get_generic_section_name(), it's contents is moved to format_base
- global_navigation::format_display_course_content() is removed, plugins can supress the sections navigations using extend_course_navigation()
This commit coverts everything in the codebase to use the new
users_order_by_sql function when sorting lists of users. More details in
the bug.
Note that this does not change places where users are displayed in a
sortable table, and the sort order comes from the table.