Note this continues being version 0.9.2 and
only a few changes have landed since 3y ago.
(the important stuff is in the xhprof extension,
not in this UI package using it)
This allows profiling to be started earlier in the
setup.php execution, by configuring everything in
the config.php file. That way some interesting code
is also profiled, like DB connections, load of config records...
100% compatible with normal profiling and enabled via
special setting $CFG->earlyprofilingenabled
Example (to be put on config.php):
$CFG->earlyprofilingenabled = true;
$CFG->profilingautofrec = 3;
$CFG->profilingincluded = '/*';
$CFG->profilingallowme = true;
(to enable early profiling for 1/3 of any requests while also
allowing to use the PROFILEME PGC)