They are not really needed and, with the new course index (or
maybe with the new navigation, I've not checked), they don't work
any more. Hence, removing them.
1) Namespace must match the one being covered.
2) the @covers annotation was wrong, missing class name(s). At the
end I've used the coversDefaultClass annotation that allows to
specify a whole namespace, useful in this case to get the 3
existing (course, section, cm) classes covered.
Adapt the current course editing libraries to modify also
the course state data. This way, any UI component that
watches the course structure can react to the changes.
The course index is the first UI component that implements the new
drawers and the reactive components. The course index uses the course
state to present the current course structure and changes whenever
that structure change.
The course unit test assumes the number of db call. This assumption
is correct in vanilla moodle only. Once some plugins installed their
observers may do extra db calls. Due to caching the number of actual
db calls in the unit test may be fewer.
This commit makes the following improvements to core page resolverss:
* allows for mixed case naming (course, Course, etc.)
* allows fields other than the idnumber to be specified:
** course: idnumber, shortname, fullname
** course category: idnumber, name
Whilst some of these fields are not unique, they will typically be
unique in most test scenarios. Where they are not then the idnumber
should be used in preference.
Adds new unit test, test_course_get_recent_courses_sort_validation(),
which is reponsible for testing the validation of the sort value in
The module now exports a getCourseEditor and a getCurrentCourseEditor
methods. The module is more consistent as it can be used to get
other course than the current one.
The get_output_classname method is used to invoke overridden output
components from course_formats. Now the method does not accept null
output names anymore, and it controls the format class is extending
the core one.
The new course editor for Moodle 4.0 is the first AMD
module that will use the new reactive library. This
commit creates creates the initial structure of the
new course editor frontend.
Until Moodle 4.0, renderer.php file was optional (although highly recommended)
for course formats. From Moodle 4.0 onwards, renderer is required to support
the new course editor implementation.
The legacy_format_renderer class has been created for backward compatibility,
to avoid some errors with course formats (such as social) without the renderer
file. Apart from that, course_format->get_renderer() method has been reviewed
to use this legacy_format_renderer when no renderer.php file is found.