This commit includes:
- leap2a portfolio format, and xml writer
- proof of concept implementation in forum and assignment modules
- a lot of refactoring of the portfolio formats in general:
- addition of "abstract" formats - this is necessary for plugins to be able to support groups of formats
- addition of the idea of portfolio formats conflicting with eachother - eg richhtml & plainhtml
it touches modules other than assignment and forum, because the format api
changed and now each place in moodle that exports portfolio content has to deal
with the formats it supports slightly differently.
At the moment the Mahara portfolio still doesn't support this format, because I
haven't done the Mahara side yet. The "file download" plugin supports it
Still todo:
- Add support for the other places in Moodle (glossary, data, etc)
- Write tests, once the rest of the portfolio tests have been updated to use the new DB mocking stuff
- Fix a bunch of TODOs
Especially as some of the functions shared by base classes (portfolio plugin vs caller) were the same
it was getting a bit unweildy to have all this in one file.