Please forgive me if I have missed converting any output statements. If you do find an output statement that is not formatting correctly please refere to the table I added to this bug in regards to how it should be formatted.
The code to print blocks in now in theme layout.php files. (Or in
Code for printing blocks everywhere else has been stripped out.
(Total diffstat 1225 insertions, 2019 deletions)
The way the HTML for a block instance is generated has been cleaned
up a lot. Now, the block_instance generates a block_contents
object which gives a structured representation of the block,
and then $OUTPUT->block builds all the HTML from that.
How theme config.php files specify the layout template and block
regions by page general type has been changed to be even more flexible.
Further refinement for how the theme and block code gets initialised.
Ability for scrits to add 'pretend blocks' to the page. That is,
things that look like blocks, but are not normal block_instances.
(Like the add a new block UI.)
Things that are still broken:
* some pages in lesson, quiz and resource. I'm working on it.
* lots of developer debug notices pointing out things that
need to be updated.
Combined with the path creation in create_context() we can now create
a course, enter and edit it immediately. Amazing.
Like - 21st century technology.
MDL-8868 Set only minimal permissions for creator role
+ improved accesslib to handle changes of context levels in capability definitions
merged from MOODLE_18_STABLE
people who enrol in the course.
$course->defaultrole defines the value for each course for what role
should be used in the same case. Naturally it defaults to the site config
(when it is zero).
This role is retained even when the person editing the course settings
doesn't actually have that role in their list of assignable rights (however
they are prevented from actually switching to any such role themselves).
Note that enrol plugins are free to ignore these values and use whatever
roles they like. Generally, though, they should respect these settings.
The API was changed slightly so that has_capability now takes the
whole $context object (we almost always have it anyway)
The $kill thing was removed. If you want to assert a capability
then use:
require_capability('capname', $context);
with optional variables to modify the error message
Misc bugs here and there also removed and code tidied
This is a mega-checkin of the new Roles system. A lot of changes have
been made in core and modules.
Currently there are a lot of rough edges and known problems. We are
working hard on these .. .the reason for getting this into HEAD at this
stage is enable us to move faster (our branch was diverging from HEAD
too much).
Please keep an eye on for current status
and information for developers on how to use the new Roles system.