It's possible the '\core\message\message' object has a null value
for the 'courseid' which is used in \core\message\manager::send_message().
Make sure we compensate for this.
Significant string changes:
* sitepolicies, core_admin - 'Site policies' changed to 'Site security
* processexpirationstask, enrol_paypal - more explanatory name
* sitepolicy_help and sitepolicyguest_help, core_admin - setting will
only have an effect if the site policy handler is set to default
* sitepolicyhandler_desc,core_admin - improved wording
* pathtodot_help, core_admin - Windows and Mac paths
* debugstringids_desc, core_admin - improved explanation
This is a partial revert of commit 123631ad4718141627d77027dbef0448bae22ac8.
Most of the logic was NOT reverted, just the part deleting the table was.
Note - this fix was done on integration.git and as a result no
upgrade step was added to re-introduce the table, sorry! This
means for those on integration.git you will have to re-install
your Moodle site so the 'message_popup' table is present.
Please see tracker for comments as to why we need to keep it! :)
Also deprecated the following functions -
1. message_move_userfrom_unread2read - It is not necessary
for us to mark a message as read on user deletion.
2. message_get_blocked_users - Horrible logic used to
determine if a user is blocked via reference on some
randomly chosen 'isblocked' variable.
3. message_get_contacts - The same as above. This can be
done in a much nicer way.
4. message_mark_message_read - We want two functions to do
this to avoid confusing messages and notifications.
5. message_can_delete_message - This assumed the variable
$message contained the 'useridto' property, which
was present in the old table structure. We do not want
future usages where a query is done on the new table
and is simply passed as this won't contain this property.
6. message_delete_message - Same as above.
We are changing how the API behaves so the old tables will never
be populated. This unit test is testing a deprecated function
which we will not be refactoring to use the new table structure.
- Define sitepolicy handler manager class, base class and the core handler
- Allow to set a plugin as sitepolicyhandler that implements the sitepolicy API
- Modify web services to return information from the 3rd party handler instead of core if needed
LTS (3.5) requires previous LTS (3.1)
This just deletes all the upgrade steps previous to 3.1.0. Some
small adjustments, like adding missing MOODLE_INTERNAL or tweaking
globals can also be applied when needed.
Also includes an upgrade step to prevent upgrading from any
version < 2016052300 (v3.1.0) as anti-cheating measure.
Next commit will get rid of/deprecate all the upgradelib functions
not used anymore in codebase.
The new recordset support for Postgres requires transactions and
will cause errors if recordsets are not closed correctly. This
commit fixes problems that were identified during unit tests, and
via some basic code analysis, across all core code. Most of these
are incorrect usage of recordset (forgetting to close them).