(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
These are the changes from MOODLE_13_STABLE, merged into trunk
The tag MOODLE_13_MERGED on the MOODLE_13_STABLE branch now refers to this point
The biggest changes here are the fixes for HTML editor in all standard modules
What happens is that adding random questions used to set the timestamps
of these questions to the same value. This is fine in normal operation,
but it stuffs up the backup of that course, overwriting the question.
When the course is restored, the missing questions cause quizzes to
have lots of red notices like "Question not found".
Anyhow, this patch should safely fix older installations that may have
these duplicate questions lying around.
This makes it possible for students to take a tedious quiz, save it half-way and have it graded. The student can then, at a later point, get back to the quiz and have the previous answers already filled in and graded. The student can then continue with the remaining questions as well as redo all the answers that got wrong at the previous attempt.
It seems to work fine with one little twisted exception:
Say that the student attempts the quiz first and that the teacher thereafter edits the quiz and removes or adds a few questions. This will work out fine for as long as the teacher do not get the idea of adding a question with question type RANDOM. The quiz will be fully functional again after removing that RANDOM question or resetting the option 'Each attempt builds on the last" to NO.
Not a very serious problem but it takes someone with greater insight in question type RANDOM to resolve it.
As always, I can not commit lang/en/quiz.php.
As I was using the function quiz_get_attempt_responses I had it refactored removing the obsolete argument $quiz. I also changed the call from review.php
The code for reviewing an existing attempt is now separate
in review.php and now has a log entry of it's own.
The overview and regrade reports are now in separate subdirectories
under the "report" directory. Each has a primary "report.php" file
which implements the report as a class.
These existing reports are very simple, but now more complex ones
can easily be written. (I am about to do one).
created. Works OK after limited testing.
I've also renamed some strings to do with "Random Match", so that this
question type is now called "Random Short-Answer Match".
Later there will be a new 'Random Match' which randomly selects one of the
existing "Match" questions.
... this grade is used as the default grade when adding questions
to a quiz.
At the moment it's just so that some imported questions can have
different defaults, but a field should be added to all question
editing pages.
of questions. These use 2 or more short answer questions at
random to construct a questions where you have to match
answers to questions. Only lightly tested so far.
Quiz questions can now be edited with Richtext editor.
Sundry little fixes along the way.