There was a mistake in the text format upgrade in the question bank. The wrong conversions were performed, and the wrong arguments were passed to text_to_html in the conversions that were done.
Also, not all the calls to format_text had been updated to use the values in the new format columns.
I think this change fixes everything, but I have only had very limited time to test it. I am committing it anyway, because that seems to me to be the best way to maximise testing. I think that the new code is certainly better than the old code was.
Major tasks undertaken in this patch:
* New format_text argument, overflowdiv.
* New page layout Report.
* Review of all format_text calls.
* Added support for the report layout to all themes.
* Changed forum post display from tables to divs.
Suppose you have two load-balanced servers with badly-synchronised clocks, and
a student does a really quick quiz attempt.
Then it is possible that quiz_attemtp.timestart is greater than quiz_attemtp.timefinish.
And these columns are unsigned (on MySQL) so timefinish - timestart is compulted as
a number close to 2^64, which is about 42 times the age of the universe.
Do the subtraction in PHP instead. (But we still need to compute a duration columnin PHP
because sometimes we sort on it.)
Actually, reviewing this, I noticed some other security checks were missing, for
example we should ensure the users can only delete attempts belonging to this quiz!
Some help icons dropped without replacement as suggested by Helen, the
Help Writer. Some strings moved to core_question.
HLP quiz/timelimit.html,[timelimit_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/grademethod.html,[grademethod_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/questionsperpage.html,[newpage_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/shufflewithin.html,[shufflewithin_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/penaltyscheme.html,[penaltyscheme_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/repeatattempts.html,[eachattemptbuildsonthelast_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/reviewoptions.html,[reviewoptionsheading_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/showuserpicture.html,[showuserpicture_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/decimalpoints.html,[decimalplaces_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/decimalplacesquestion.html,[decimalplacesquestion_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/requirepassword.html,[requirepassword_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/requiresubnet.html,[requiresubnet_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/timedelay1.html,[delay1st2nd_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/timedelay2.html,[delaylater_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz/overallfeedback.html,[overallfeedback_help,mod_quiz]
HLP quiz_statistics/negcovar.html,[negcovar_help,quiz_statistics]
MOV [penaltyfactor,mod_quiz],[penaltyfactor,core_question]
MOV [penaltyfactor_help,mod_quiz],[penaltyfactor_help,core_question]
HLP quiz/penalty.html,[penaltyfactor_help,core_question]
* Routine navigation through the quiz and question modules
* Fixed navbar through quiz and questions
* Pages headers added throughout
* Added method to turn a navigation node into a tabs array suitable for use with print tabs