- fixed user styles in base theme
- added new divs for better control on user profile and user index pages
- reduced data on course user profiles down to minimum
- removed user/tabs.php completely and all uses of it
- changed default user icon pix to something very bland (bye bye smiley cake)
even non-course and sticky blocks.
The parent context is block_instances.parentcontextid.
The block context should be used for checking permissions directly
related to the block, like moodle/block:view or moodle/site:manageblocks.
However, if the block is displaying information about the current page,
for example the participants block showing who 'here', then it may be
better to use the context of the page where the bloack is appearing -
in other words $this->page->context - to check permissions about the
user's ability to see participants here.
Or, if the block is displaying something stronly related to courses,
for example, a course meny block, the block should probably use the
context for $this->page->course to check permissions.
That was becuase not enough information was being passed in for the blocks editing controls to construct the right URL to reload the page.
It is also now possible for admin external pages to add some UI next to the turn blocks editing on/off button. For example, when you are editing the list of course catgories, the turn editing off button is now in the right place.
* Move the show/hide advanced button a bit down the page.
* Improve save button caption when creating a role.
* Don't show defaults on the basic define roles screen.
* Explain the background shading on the advanced roels screen.
* Fix the problem with the risks link to Moodle docs.
* Help icon by the permissions column heading.
* Tables with rotated <th>s, make them vertical-align: bottom.
* Rename explain.php and explainhascapability.php to check.php and explain.php
* Tool tips on the number headers in the explain table.
* Explain table - role names were missing.
* Allow link_to_popup_window to work with full URLs.
* Basic mode just hides the prohobit column. Sadly that is all we can do.
* Button to toggle in and out of advanced mode, with user_perference.
* The permission you are selected is now on the page as a label, rather than just being in a tool-tip. (Not pretty, but helpful, I think. I may change my mind on this.)
* You can click anywhere in the table cell, rather than having to hit the radio button exactly.
* Brief instructions at the top of the page.
* Submit buttons both top and bottom of the page.
I have collected code that used to be in lib/adminlib.php, lib/accesslib.php and user/selector/lib.php into a new admin/roles/lib.php file.
And I added standard GPL and Moodle comments to all the files in admin/roles.
* New table role_context_levels
* Populate table with defaults on install
* Populate table on upgrade with the same defaults, plus any additional ones needed to ensure all the role assignments already in the database are allowed.
* Change get_assignable_roles to respect these settings.
* UI for these settings on the add/edit role form.
* Save these settings when a role definition is saved.
* If in a context, there are no roles you can assign, display a polite message.
* Back up these settings.
* Restore these settings. When resotring a <=1.9.x backup file, any newly imported roles are set to be assignable at all contextlevels.
Restore not tested because it is broken in HEAD.
MDL-11529 When assigning/overriding roles, the dropdown for switching to another role should have a number in brackets
MDL-16549 Should not be able to edit the permission associated with moodle/site:doanything on any role.
To do this, I found a way to clean up the method signatures of a couple of accesslib methods, so I did, hence the fact that this seems to touch some unrelated files.
Also, there is a nice new method in accesslib get_context_url, which gives you the natural URL for a context, so the course view page, or the user profile, etc.
I have not copied and pasted the same code into lots of different places. That sucks. We really need to refactor this into a function that builds the navigation up to, and including the user's name. However, I don't have time now. A list of the places touched by this bug (MDL-12373) will at least give a complete list of places that such a refactoring would have to touch.
Improvements to the tabs for assigning and overriding roles. MDL-12120
Tabs are now all on the top row
Tabs have clearer titles
Other help texts improved