blog_entry_created - Removed summary field
blog_entry_deleted - Removed summary field and unwanted entry record
blog_entry_updated - Fixed single quotes and removed summary field
course_module_created - Removed subject
course_module_updated - Removed subject
user_deleted - Removed user firstname and last name
course_module_viewed - Fixed description
* update checker refactored to \core\update\ namespace
* plugininfo classes refactored to \core\plugininfo\ namespace
* plugin_manager renamed to core_plugin_manager
* redirect back to original page after plugin uninstall
* fixed assign subplugin uninstall
* move assign subplugins under the assignment in admin tree
* fixed plugininfo for all question related plugin types
* auth uninstall support
* added missing block dependencies
* added theme uninstall
* subplugin types are following the plugin on plugin overview page
* several performance improvements in plugin manager
* new warnigns when plugininfo are outdated or missing
* multiple fixes and other improvements