Brand-new pagelib.php at your disposal! It slices, it dices, it makes your coffee.
It still doesn't understand women... Read the comments in pagelib.php for a first
impression. Feedback highly encouraged!
Blocks code has undergone significant changes to work with Pages. Flexibility is its
middle name, since I think (without having tried it) that adding e.g. a third
placeholder for "center" blocks in courses, with full support for moving around etc,
will now take about 15 lines of new or edited code. If you are not impressed yet, I
suggest watching a documentary on solar physics. :P
Added instance_allow_config() in the blocks class hierarchy to supplement per-instance
configuration options. You can override it to return true and thus get configuration
amenities without allowing multiple instances.
Minor polishing to comments and documentation (whatever caught my eye was game).
Tightened up some code here and there by utilizing all the new features.
A bug in restore_execute.html caused hidden blocks to not be restored at all.
Code based on the work of Daryl Hawes for the blog module. Thanks, Daryl!
Please test the hell out of it as it's sure to have issues that need to be
ironed out.
This includes some significant cleanups to the new course categories
system. The basic idea is that the categories/course browser is now
unified under one system, and admin features related to that have
all been moved into the browser (as little icons).
I'm much happier with this as a foundation that can scale and be
built upon.
Still to go:
- searching
- paging
- polishing
Also in here are a lot of little cleanups around the place, such as
the initial setup process.
Hopefully this is also the end of the occasional errors we keep
hearing about to do with never getting to setup the admin user.
(I think admin/site.php had a redirect that didn't always work).
The setup process is now much better at "trapping" you until it's all done.
Should be fixed now. As a bonus, I've removed all the uses of
HTTP_POST_VARS from all scripts.
All forms should use the new data_submitted() function to collect
form data (it does the match_referer thing internally now).
Much nicer.
Sections covers "weeks", "topics" and anything else that may come along.
Note, again, some databases have changed esp course_weeks -> course_sections
and several fields called "week" are now "section. Also course no longer
has an enddate, but instead has a numsections field.