Action menu output component has a new method set_nowrap_on_items
that sets a property to toggle nowrap on menu items.
That can be used to avoid problems when the menu appears within
an absolutely positioned or floated element.
Fixed bug by building full menu structure, then removing hidden menu items and all associated children.
Refactored custom_menu_item class and convert_text_to_menu_nodes() to improve maintenance.
img function has been added to the html_writer.
use it by calling the function as shown:
This will result in the following string:
<img src="" alt="Foo" title="Foo2"/>
The following improvements have been made:
* Items no longer MUST have an icon, it can now be null instead.
* You can specify the icon displayed to toggle the dropdown menu.
* You can add text in front of the aforementioned icon.
The following changes have been made:
* course_section_cm_edit_actions now allows the caller more options for the
display of the action menu.
* The site menu block now disables the JS enhancement of the actionmenu so
that it displays as it did before. After more testing this seemed like the
only option that worked in the limited space of the block when it had
several modules.
* draganddrop of resources now triggers the action menu enhancement as well.
* Fixed display of title when the menu is not being enhanced by JS.
* Fixed the alignment of the completion icon in the bootstrapbase theme.
* Tweaked the CSS for the standard theme.
* Fixed IE8 display of icons.
* Fixed blocks using course renderer.
* Fixed behat tests.
* codecheckers fixes
* Removed alt from icons with descriptive text
* Tweaked actionmenu initialisation for performance
The patch converts the dock into a YUI shifter module and at
the same time improves several aspects of its operation.
The features of this patch include:
* Dock Module conversion.
* A loader that ensures we don't include the dock JS or its
requirements unless actually required.
* We no longer include the dock JS for themes that don't
enable it.
* Blocks no longer add registration events to the page
instead a dockable attribute is added to the html and the
loader looks for that.
* The dock module is properly documented and running YUIDoc
gives good quality documentation.
* We no longer need the dock module registration or
* All events that can be delegated are now delegated.
* Removed unused variables and code left over after fixes.
* Support for docking blocks renderered using the new blocks
render method. Better support for custom block regions.
- created renderable object tabtree that represents the tree of tabs, extends tabobject
- created core_renderer::tabtree(), and supporting core_renderer::render_tabtree(), core_renderer::render_tabobject()
- change print_tabs() to use renderer function, deprecate supporting not needed functions