Behat does not play well with confirmation dialogues and in some
situations it does not wait for the page to reload before starting the
next step.
This change adds a pending_js call which is only resolved if the cancel
button was pressed, otherwise it remains in-progress until the page
reloads resetting the entire state of it.
The optional parameters of assertEquals() and assertNotEquals()
are deprecated in PHPUnit 8 (to be removed in PHPUnit 9):
- delta => use assertEqualsWithDelta()
- canonicalize => use assertEqualsCanonicalizing()
- ignoreCase => use assertEqualsIgnoringCase
- maxDepth => removed without replacement.
More info @
Initial search done with:
ag 'assert(Not)?Equals\(.*,.*,' --php
Then, running tests and fixing remaining cases.
Both assertContains() and assertNotContains() are deprecated in PHPUnit 8
for operations on strings. Also the optional case parameter is. All uses
must be changed to one of:
- assertStringContainsString()
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase()
- assertStringNotContainsString()
- assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase()
More info:
Regexp to find all uses:
ag 'assert(Not)?Contains\('
While this is not strictly required, because removal will
happen in PHPUnit 9.0, we are already getting rid of all
uses in core.
From release notes:
The annotations `@expectedException`, `@expectedExceptionCode`,
`@expectedExceptionMessage`, and `@expectedExceptionMessageRegExp`
are now deprecated.
Using these annotations will trigger a deprecation warning
in PHPUnit 8 and in PHPUnit 9 these annotations will be removed.
Also, all uses of expectExceptionMessageRegExp() has been moved
to expectExceptionMessageMatches(). See
TODO: Various weirdness found while doing the changes with these tests:
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/exporter_test.php (created MDL-69700)
- vendor/bin/phpunit competency/tests/external_test.php (same issue than prev one)
- vendor/bin/phpunit question/engine/tests/questionengine_test.php (created MDL-69624)
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/event_test.php (created MDL-69688)