Some countries do not exist any more, some currencies do not exist. Some countries (and currencies) started to exist recently. Some currency codes are changed (mistype or result of denomination).
Also I tried to keep the moodle formation of the name of the currencies. The first word is not the country name but the 'belonging-to-country', i.e. not 'Sweden Krona' but 'Swedish Krona'. For some countries it was not so easy to find the correct spelling.
And finally there were some mistakes in the list, like 'Schilling' instead of 'Shilling', 'Riyal' instead of 'Rial', etc. I used currencies spelling from ISO.
From now on, all English strings use the new syntax. They are not
eval()'ed any more and the only valid placeholders are {$a} and
{$a->foobar}. No extra quotes escaping, dollar sign escaping and putting
double percent signs.
The modified files were exported from AMOS database repository in the
new syntax and were re-ordered by stringid. Standard GNU/GPL and PHPdoc
blocks are added. Where there was no copyright note so far, I added the
default one with Martin Dougiamas as the copyright holder.
Live long and prosper.