This patch contains:
* email_to_user will set the envelope sender to a special bounce processing address (based on $CFG settings)
* email_to_user will accept (and set) a reply-to header, to be generated by the module calling the function.
* new functions:
* generate_email_processing_address - ALWAYS use this to generate the reply-to header. reply-to header will look like this:
(LIMIT: 64 chars total)
prefix - EXACTLY four chars
encodeded, packed, moduleid (0 for core) (2 chars)
up to 42 chars for the modules to put anything they want it (can contain userid (or, eg for forum, postids to reply to), or anything really. 42 chars is ABSOLUTE LIMIT)
16 char hash (half an md5) of the first part of the address, together with a site "secret"
* moodle_process_email - any non-module email processing goes here (currently used for processing bounces)
* bounce handling:
* config settings for bounce threshold and ratio (and whether to handle bounces at all)
* if too many bounces occur against any given user, user_not_fully_set_up will force an email address change
* associated functions (over_bounce_threshold, set_send_count, set_bounce_count)
* handling emails to noreply address (see below)
* new script - admin/process_email.php
This script needs to be called from your mail program for anything starting with the 4 char prefix described above (and optionally, the noreply address)
It will bounce emails to the noreplyaddress, with a friendly "this is not a real email address" message
It will break down and unencode the email address into moduleid and validate the half md5 hash, and call $modname_process_email (if it exists). Arguments to these functions are: $modargs (any part of the email address that isn't the prefix, modid or the hash) and the contents of the email (read from STDIN).
* associated string changes/additions
* changes in config-dist.php to give clues as to how to set this up.
take a look at new functions moodle_process_email and generate_email_processing_address in moodlelib.php for ideas about how to
* encode and unencode the arguments your module needs to do the processing
* how to deal with multiple "actions" for any given module.
Martin Langhoff <> will be writing up some PROPER documentation, containing amongst other things config settings for different mail servers (this was developed against Postfix). Feel free to email me with any feedback on the code or design, Or post on the developer fourm.
Bugfix - value truncation to fit Moodle database
- Added truncate_userinfo() to cleanup data coming from external auth
- Fixed auth_user_create() to truncate user info as appropriate
- created external script that calls the function
- much faster update strategy on postgres and mysql: auth_sync_users now to uses bulk inserts into a temp table, and then use LEFT JOINs and plain old SELECTs to determine what users it has to insert.
- we now loop over smaller sets of data -- we are still memory-bound, but (a) it'll be easy to use LIMIT to manage that and (b) memory use is much lower now in all cases.
- postgres: phased commits in auth_user_sync() for the batch user upload phase
- Several feature and performance enhancements:
- if a value is removed from ldap, it will be cleared from moodle
- no-op updates (where the data does not change) are skipped
- if a user disappears and then reappears in LDAP in two separate calls to auth_user_sync(),the account will be marked deleted and then be revived. before, the account would have been deleted and created anew.
Multi-source ldap values:
The LDAP auth module now accepts a comma separated set of LDAP field names. When creating or updating a user record, auth/ldap will retrieve all the relevant fields. The right-most values overwrites all the others.
This is particularly useful when updating the user's email address from an LDAP source, which may contain the email address in one of several fields (traditionally: mail, mailForwardingAddress, mailAlternateAddress).
If a value is updated and is set to update external auth and this field is using this multi-source ldap configuration, the auth/ldap module will retrieve the old value, find which field it was sourced from, and update that field in LDAP. If it fails to find the original source of the value, it will log it in error_log.
Log of patchsets applied:
for user field locking and forcing of password changing
- Locked user fields always apply (for any authentication method).
Currently these can only be defined in the LDAP auth screen
but later these can be brought out as part of the generic
interface for defining user fields and their behaviour.
- Fields are now locked using Javascript and will work for any
user fields that exist (list is not hard coded anymore).
- Admins can always edit locked fields.
- Admins can always force a password change. The checkbox reflects
the current status of this, and the admin can UNSET the checkbox
if they want. It is no longer necessary for the admin to change
the old password for this to take effect, either.
These patches are maintained in an publicly accessible Arch repository, see:
Index of arch patches in this commit:
2004-09-16 00:03:41 GMT
Penny Leach <>
changes to upload class to be silent if we want it to be, integration with editing user profile and group profile (which meant changes in lib/gdlib.php as well as course/group-edit and group.php and user/edit.html and edit.php
Full logs:
Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-66
Creator: Penny Leach <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 12:03:41 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 00:03:41 GMT
Modified-files: course/group-edit.html course/group.php
lib/gdlib.php lib/uploadlib.php user/edit.html
Summary: changes to upload class to be silent if we want it to be, integration with editing user profile and group profile (which meant changes in lib/gdlib.php as well as course/group-edit and group.php and user/edit.html and edit.php
so it can be translated.
There is now a new function get_list_of_countries() which will return a
sorted array of countries in the best current language.
get_string("AU", "countries") will also work if needed
This includes some significant cleanups to the new course categories
system. The basic idea is that the categories/course browser is now
unified under one system, and admin features related to that have
all been moved into the browser (as little icons).
I'm much happier with this as a foundation that can scale and be
built upon.
Still to go:
- searching
- paging
- polishing
Also in here are a lot of little cleanups around the place, such as
the initial setup process.
Hopefully this is also the end of the occasional errors we keep
hearing about to do with never getting to setup the admin user.
(I think admin/site.php had a redirect that didn't always work).
The setup process is now much better at "trapping" you until it's all done.
- they could break accounts in existing installations
- strtolower can corrupt strings in multibyte languages
Is it really a problem that usernames are case sensitive on PostgreSQL?
When using authentication module (ldap, smb, pop etc...) and postgres-database multiple moodle
users were created for usernames like 'Username' 'username' 'userName'