magic_quotes_gpc() disabled (because Moodle addslashes to
everything). Not a pretty hack, but it seems to work.
Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
(just looking for one BIG problem in wiki - pagename is lost, so page
is never detected, so the edit page is showed once and again and again,
and again.......)
Added default values to migrate2utf8.xml, for any varchar and text field types, if the default values for these fields were not defined as '' in the MySQL table creation script.
Committed by vyshane
Added new function, import_backup_file_silently
Changed everything that prints stuff to check for a constant first.
Backup_flush checks a different constant, this is so that output can still
get flushed to the browser when necessary but not print <li>s everywhere.
Please test this!
This patch allows the much requested selection of individual instances of modules within a course to backup and restore.
It needs A LOT of testing and probably some prettyifying too.
Users can now be assigned to multiple groups. Thanks Yu!
Break out the Bob Marley!!
Otherwise groups work more or less like they did before.
This has been pretty well tested by Yu and myself, but since Yu started
uncovering lots of existing groups bugs it's possible there may be still
a few corner cases still lurking here and there.
Please help test this thoroughly for 1.6!!
ip instead. Such information is only stored in DB
(page->author) and not critical at all. Suggested
by Derry in
because it was causing important delays when clients
weren't DNS-registered.
Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
Complete refactoring of the system that was really awful (my fault!).
Now everything is in its place and working like a charm, making things really
easier to be implemented and amplied. Bug 3678
Note: Everything is merged from stable but the quiz module because it has
other changes not merged for now. I've skyped a message to Gustav about it.
Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
(specifying a multilang name allows to have different start pages too!)
I've found some bad XHTML in this module and some inconsistencies
with different cased page-names. Are wikipages different if their name case is
different? If no, we should fix it.