The core/utility confirmation modal can be used in this case to confirm
backpack actions. It is not necessary to have a custom module for this
The OBv2.0 specification includes a field "Criteria" for
BadgeClass. Until now, this field was filled using the
URL of the badge assertion, but that is causing some issues
in Badgr because it linked to the badge assertion of the
first user sending this badge to the Badgr backpack (so then,
the following users linked to the first user assertion page
This patch adds a new page, badgeclass.php which will be
used from now to display any badge information which is
not related to any assertion (like happens with the criteria
in BadgeClass).
Apart from reorganising the information displayed in the external badges
page, this information has been moved to reuse the template created in
MDL-71937, to make it easier to modify and maintain.
Apart from reorganising the information displayed in the badges page,
this information has been moved to a template in order to make it
easier to modify and maintain.
The $CFG->badges_site_backpack setting has been completely removed
because it's not required anymore. From now, the primary site
backpack will be the first one in the "Manage backpacks" list (so,
the one with lower sortorder value).
Before removing $CFG->badges_site_backpack setting, admins should be
able to re-order the existing site-backpacks (because then, the first
one will be treated as the default one).
This patch adds the sort order feature to the backpack list.
Instead of running the site backpack validation every time badges/backpacks.php
page is loaded, an action button has been added to the backpacks with OB set
to 2.0 to let admins running manually this verification when needed.
This commit combines several changes:
* Show authentication errors.
* Show more detailed authentication errors
* When the site backpack is different to the user backpack, show a warning
* Do not duplicate the apiversion and backpackurls in each user backpack.
* Do not support different issuer information for each badge with Open Badges v2.
* Add obversion to assertion url
* Combine separate badges upgrade steps and bump the version number.
* Don't show private collections.
* Push the larger image size to backpacks (512x512).
* BADGE_BACKPACKURL is deprecated
* Don't use property alignments, only alignment
Upgrade the support for Open Badges 2 to support a real open badges 2 backpack.
Moodle can only talk to one backpack at a time, so after switching backpacks, users
will have to manually disconnect and then reconnect their backpack to the new one.
This commit combines several changes:
* Split classes into badges namespace
* Publish expiry data with a badge
* Publish badge alignments in badges exported to the backpack.
* Export the criteria for a badge to the backpack.