Added new function, import_backup_file_silently
Changed everything that prints stuff to check for a constant first.
Backup_flush checks a different constant, this is so that output can still
get flushed to the browser when necessary but not print <li>s everywhere.
Please test this!
This patch allows the much requested selection of individual instances of modules within a course to backup and restore.
It needs A LOT of testing and probably some prettyifying too.
Complete refactoring of the system that was really awful (my fault!).
Now everything is in its place and working like a charm, making things really
easier to be implemented and amplied. Bug 3678
Note: Everything is merged from stable but the quiz module because it has
other changes not merged for now. I've skyped a message to Gustav about it.
Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
by the restore process. Such conversion is performed for
every backup file prior to 2005041100.
Wiki internal links are dinamically changed and then,
converted to Markdown. Bye, Wiki! ;-)
Decide if an entry is editable:
-It isn't a imported entry (so nobody can edit a imported (from secondary to main) entry)) and
-The user is teacher or he is a student with time permissions (edit period or editalways defined).
Bug 1445
See the TODO.txt to get details about pending tasks.
The db upgrade should work fine (not tested under postgresql).
The plugin architecture is finished too.
See Bug 936.
- Adding a new frame: Browse by Author
- A new, friendly way to show entries (asked by Martin): view?id=cm&mode=term&hook=[concept | alias ]
- Handling user activies, outline and complete.
- Properly showing new entries in recent activity box.
- Adding a flag to categories to specify if a category should or should not be automatically linked.
- Adding some missing strings and files as well.
- Adding a field to each glossary that specify how many entries by pages it should show.
- Minor changes adopting moodle's naming and coding conventions (perhaps not fully adopted yet)
- Solving bug that traspose All Categories with Not Categorised view.
- Entries can have an optional file
- English help files.
- Now the alphabet is a language string so it is now usable in other languages.
- It does not backup nor restore the attached files of the entries.