Instead of having the stricter configuration for all files, use
the less strict default config and switch to the stricter config
for building AMD modules.
This means that the eslint commandline/editor inspections will work
better for all files and not generate false positives when using editor
integrations. But since grunt is required to build AMD modules we still
get the stricter checking for those files on build.
I have spent quite a lot of time working through the current list of
eslint options and configuring them for Moodle style and I think this is
a very good basis to start us at (as well as taking some of out jshint
options out with ). Thanks to
Andrew Nicols, Mark Johnson and Frédéric Massart for some refinements.
With this configuration the grunt build will fail if errors are present
in the js (though you can of course tell jshint to ignore some errors,
as I have done in admin/tool/lp/amd/src/competency_rule_points.js and
defining the Y global in lib/amd/src/yui.js ).
The grunt task will not report warnings by default, but a new
--show-lint-warnings flag will help achieve that. Editor
integrations/stanadalone eslint tool will surely be a better way of
getting eslint errors rather than using the grunt task.