File redact is a core plugin to remove or obsure from a file (image, doc) prior to publication/release.
Currently, it has an EXIF remover service using exiftool command, but it is also possible to
add other services related to file redacting.
The plugin admin settings is under Server as it's parent.
Co-authored-by: Huong Nguyen <>
* Subsections are considered as section and need to be prevented to
be moved into itself so to avoid infinite recursive structures.
This prevent this from happenning at a lower level (state)
MOV [postrating1,mod_forum],[separateandconnected1,core]
MOV [postrating2,mod_forum],[separateandconnected2,core]
MOV [postrating3,mod_forum],[separateandconnected3,core]
Introduces a new capability moodle/user:viewprofilepics, granted by
default to 'user' and 'guest'. If the 'forcelogin' option or
'forceloginforprofileimage' option is enabled, then users must have
this capability in order to see profile pictures (except their own).
Create entity definitions for competencies, frameworks and users
for new report source to provide data for report editor.
CPY [competencyframework,tool_lp],[competencyframework,core_competency]
CPY [proficient,tool_lp],[proficient,core_competency]
CPY [rating,tool_lp],[rating,core_competency]
CPY [taxonomy_competency,core_competency],[competency,core_competency]
Some email body strings use first names as greetings,
some use full names, and some do not.
Using the first name for greeting makes it consistent and
a bit more "personal".
- Alters existing progress_bar class to support extension
- Adds stored_progress_bar class as child of progress_bar
- Adds webservice to poll stored progress
- Updates database tables
- Bumps version
- Adds unit/behat tests
* Disable the Add new Section button when max has been reached
* It also grays out the (+) button between sections and display a tooltip
* When adding a new section via the (+) button between section
should add a section with the (+) (add) button disabled.
Where the previous output was simple count of days, switch to using
the new format helper to return a time duration.
CPY [daystakingcourse,core_course],[daystakingcourse,core_completion]