1) in all module-indpendent code the variable $quiz has been renamed to $cmoptions (it holds the options set by the course module which does not necessarily have to be a quiz, it could be a lesson for example).
2) quiz_restore_question_sessions() has the simpler name quiz_get_states
Also got rid of the quizfile.php in favour of file.php
Made isteacher() require that the first parameter (course id) be
specified and non-empty. If it is empty, [i.e., 0, which was used to
simulate what has now become isteacherinanycourse()], then the return
value IS correct but a warning is printed on screen. This should allow
us to track down any such calls in legacy modules without breaking Moodle.
The correct way to check for teacher status in ANY course is now to
call isteacherinanycourse().