I have not converted the rest of the quiz, and I don't intend to. I am hoping Moodle.com will do it.
I hope this does not introduce any bugs, but view.php is so complicate (at least it is less complicated than it was) and the quiz has so many options, that it is hard to be sure. This needs lots of testing before 1.7 is released.
Admittedly, this file is pretty incomprehensible and it is not clear at first what it is trying to do. (Even though it is more comprehensible now than it was a week ago.) I'll to a proper conversion of this file to RnP once I have checked in my other changes there - assuming I can actually get Moodle to work so I can test my changes.
Changed view.php so that it checked if there were any attempts with
concealed grades before printing the student's overall score.
Credit: Peter Bulmer <peter.bulmer@catalyst.net.nz>
Merged from MOODLE_16_STABLE
Changed view.php to only display grades when the teacher has not set
options forbidding it. Further, where there is some attempts that are
allowed to be displayed, and others not, highligting of the highest score,
and printing of the overall grade allocation has been disabled to ensure
the hidden grade is not revealed.
Credit: Peter Bulmer peterbulmer@catalyst.net.nz
- When a essay question has been submitted or being reviewed and has not been graded by the instructor, then the Marks are not shown and displays a message to the student instead of saying Incorrect. (changes to questiontypes/questiontype.php in functions print_question and print_question_grading_details).
- For students, in view.php, a notice is printed to inform him/her that s/he has ungraded essay question(s).
- For teachers, in view.php, a notice is printed to inform him/her that s/he has X number of ungraded essays for X number of studnets
- In review.php, next to the grade output, informs the viewer if X number of ungraded essays in this attempt.
- In questiontypes/essay/questiontype.php created a utility function to generate the numbers used in the above changes.
- In lang/en/quiz.php added new lang entries.
So, hopefully the student will now understand that their grade does not include the ungraded essay questions. Modification of lang entries might be needed to further drive this point.
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)