It can be enabled if desired from CLI using the --cache-result
option (or modifying the phpunit.xml cacheResult to true).
That will create the .phpunit.result.cache files that,
later, can be used to easily repeat failed (defects) tests or
run the slow ones first and more. See the --order-by option
to know more about all the available criteria. For example:
./vendor/bin/phpunit --order-by=defects --stop-on-defect
(will run all the failed ones first, stopping on problem, useful
for TDD and other scenarios, not so much for complete runs or CI).
Also, added to .gitignore so they won't be committed ever.
1) Parse thirdpartylibs.xml and generate an array of third party
file paths to use in grunt tasks
2) In the lint tasks, we filter third party files from being linted
3) We add a new task to generate ignore files - currently for eslint,
but will be potentially useful for other things in the future
4) Remove .eslintignore from source control
Why have the ability to generate a .eslintignore file? For tooling
integration - by having the eslintignore file people can use other
eslint tools without having to just use grunt (e.g. editor