filter/glossary/yui/src/autolinker/js/autolinker.js -- M.core.alert api was changed.
* each plugin has own thirdpartylibs.xml file
* added missing libraries
* fixed existing library infos
* new Site administration / Development / Third party libraries page
- Added configurable setting for path to mimetex binary
- Moved language strings from lang/en/admin.php to lang/en/filter_tex.php
- Config settings now stored in table config_plugins and retrieved
through get_config
- Added upgrade step to move TeX settings to the config_plugins table
and delete settings from the config table
MOV [configconvertformat,core_admin],[configconvertformat,filter_tex]
MOV [convertformat,core_admin],[convertformat,filter_tex]
MOV [latexpreamble,core_admin],[latexpreamble,filter_tex]
MOV [latexsettings,core_admin],[latexsettings,filter_tex]
MOV [pathconvert,core_admin],[pathconvert,filter_tex]
MOV [pathdvips,core_admin],[pathdvips,filter_tex]
MOV [pathlatex,core_admin],[pathlatex,filter_tex]
* update checker refactored to \core\update\ namespace
* plugininfo classes refactored to \core\plugininfo\ namespace
* plugin_manager renamed to core_plugin_manager
* redirect back to original page after plugin uninstall
* fixed assign subplugin uninstall
* move assign subplugins under the assignment in admin tree
* fixed plugininfo for all question related plugin types
* auth uninstall support
* added missing block dependencies
* added theme uninstall
* subplugin types are following the plugin on plugin overview page
* several performance improvements in plugin manager
* new warnigns when plugininfo are outdated or missing
* multiple fixes and other improvements
* Implemented a new course and category management page.
* Deprecated the old management interface.
* Unit tests to cover the new API and core functions.
* Behat tests to cover the new interface.
This patch includes:
* version column removed from modules table, now using standard config, this allows decimal version for modules
* version column removed from block table, now using standard config, this allows decimal version for blocks
* module version.php can safely use $plugins instead of module
* new plugin_manager bulk caching, this should help with MUC performance when logged in as admin
* all missing plugins are now in plugin overview (previously only blocks and modules)
* simplified code and improved coding style
* reworked plugin_manager unit tests - now using real plugins instead of mocks
* unit tests now fail if any plugin does not contain proper version.php file
* allow uninstall of deleted filters
This breaks some legitimate URLs like
This is a necessary trade-off. Many other web systems do not handle that
case correctly either. The work-around it so escape the ) as %29.
This commit also improves the way the unit tests for this work.
It also fixes a couple of other tricky cases that were spotted in
the forums while this was being discussed. See the new test cases.
Data cached in these caches change only at well defined places (during
need for upgrade checks, at the plugin management screen etc). So it
makes sense to use proper application caches instead of request caches.
This saves couple of database queries at almost every page in Moodle.