A Resource Parameter controls this (it defaults to OFF).
When on, you see a third button when selecting a file, which lets
you select a LOCAL file on your own filesystem (but it isn't uploaded).
The local file is included in the web page when viewed. All users see
a link that helps them set up a user_preference for the location of
these files on their own system (usually a CD_ROM drive).
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
- Reference resources are now history -> converted to HTML pages
(the backup/restore has been taken care of, Eloy)
- HTML pages and Text pages can now have popups!
- Summaries are not shown when they should be blank (eg if they
just contain a <br /> as the HTML editor usually inserts.
- Fixed some notices for PHP 5
fullscreen is currently the only feature left out of this .. I had
trouble getting it to work consistently so I've left it out as being
more troubles than it's worth.
ensure that the order they are displayed in is always the same as the
order they have been defined in. See bug 553.
This involved API changes to the function get_all_instances_in_course()
Moodle tables.
ie user -> userid in many tables, plus in user_students
start -> starttime and end -> endtime
I've just done all this as carefully as I could ... I don't think
I missed anything but it's pretty intensive work and I'd be fooling myself
if I didn't think I'd missed a couple.
Note that this version should pretty much be able to bootstrap itself
using PostgreSQL now ... but this is untested
I've renamed the "reading" module to "resource".
This meant changing quite a few references throughout Moodle.
The automatic upgrade process should work OK (it worked OK on my
development server) and there shouldn't be any problems.
UNTIL I HAVE A FEW MORE TESTS! If you upgrade please let me know.
One thing that will break are any hard-coded links within forum messages.
What I will be doing to fix this on my apache server is to add this to
Redirect /mod/reading/ http://moodle.com/mod/resource/
Sorry about any inconvenience, but it's better this is done sooner than later.