- Created a new divider template to generate activity and section dividers
- Refactored templates and styles for the course sections for the new
section dividers
- Changed the topics format 'hasaddsection' property to 'true' so now adding
sections to the bottom of the course will be handled by the format instead
of the last section. Also re-styled this 'Add topic' button.
- Refactored templates and styles for the course activities for the new
activity dividers
- Fixed some related behat that failed because of these changes
- Moved blocks related SCSS to the blocks file and removed some unused SCSS
There is a new callback, <modname>_is_branded, which, by default,
returns false. It needs to be implemented by modules that want their
logo to be displayed as it is (so without applying any filter to
colour them based on their main purpose).
The following files in theme/boost/scss/moodle were not imported
so they can be removed because the styles defined in them are not
used anywhere:
- editor.scss
- expendable.scss
- Add border to sections (not in single section page)
- Remove border to activity cards and add single line separators
- Refactor activity and sections styles to fit this new layout
- Remove styles that are not necessary with this new layout
- The report 'Browse list of users' has been converted to use Report
- Behat tests have been fixed and some test have been deleted for not
being relevant anymore.
In certain scenarios, a user row can be the last row in the grader
report table. The current logic does not take this into account and
always pins the last row regardless of the type.
This change ensures that the last row is not a user row before executing
the logic responsible for pinning this row.
Júlia, from the PX team, has suggested a few improvements to make it easier to
understand the Restore main page:
- Displaying a notification instead of the empty table when there are no files
in an area.
- Improve the copy, removing the help buttons and moving this information to the
main page.
- Replacing "Import a backup file" with "Upload a backup file".
- Adding some space between the different areas.
- Displaying a different text in the different "Manage backup files" buttons.
The backup/view.php page has been created to display the list of
course reuse actions available for users.
That way, the "Course reuse" option in the secondary navigation
will display this page instead of redirecting to the first action
Apart from that, the headers for all the Course reuse actions have
been homogenised and the tertiary navigation selector has been included,
to replace headers and make it easier navigate between actions.