If an existing session is active at the time of launch, that user id
appears in the user_updated log. This log should show the launching user
updating their own record, not someone else. To resolve this, auth the
user before making any record updates so that the event gets the correct
user id.
If an existing session is active at the time of launch, that user id
appears in the user_created log, incorrectly (it should be system/0).
This patch makes sure that any existing session is terminated before
creation of a new user during launches.
When receiving data from the LTI launch, or service call, only update
the user record when we know something has changed. This prevents the
creation of many \core\event\user_updated events.
This isn't required and generates excess events. The only thing update
does, other than update the user fields, is to update the picture, but
in this case, that's unset in membership-based auths anyway, so it's
entirely safe to remove this.
Three modes are initially introduced here, for use by dependent code:
1. Automatic - where accounts will be automatically created for users
2. Prompt new or existing - where the user can choose to use an existing
account or have a new account created for them.
3. Prompt existing only - where users must link an existing account.
This change also adds linked logins, for use with provisioning.
version = 2021052500 release version
requires= 2021052500 same than version
Why 20210525? (25th May 2021) ?
Because master is going to be Moodle 4.0, to be released
on November 2021. And, until then, we are going to have
a couple of "intermediate" releases:
- Moodle 3.10 to be released 9th November 2020. (2020110900)
This version will be using versions from today to 2020110900
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
- Moodle 3.11 to be released 10th May 2021. (2021051000)
This version will be using versions from 3.10 release to 2021051000
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
That means that all versions from today to 2021051000 are going
to be used by those 2 "intermediate" releases (3.10 and 3.11).
And we cannot use them in master, because it's forbidden to have
any overlapping of versions between branches (or different upgrade
paths will fail).
So, get that 2021051000, let's add it a couple of weeks to cover
the on-sync period (or a 2 weeks delay max!) and, the first version
that master can "own" in exclusive (without any overlap) is, exactly,
25th May 2021, hence our 20210525.