* each plugin has own thirdpartylibs.xml file
* added missing libraries
* fixed existing library infos
* new Site administration / Development / Third party libraries page
The new experimental setting enabletgzbackups allows backups to be
created so that the internal format for .mbz files is .tar.gz.
Restore transparently supports .mbz files with either internal
formats (.zip or .tar.gz).
The .tar.gz format has the following benefits for backup:
- Supports larger files (no limit on total size, 8GB on single file
vs. 4GB limit on total size)
- Compresses text better, resulting in smaller .mbz files.
- Reports progress regularly during compression of single files,
reducing the chance of timeouts during backups that include a
very large file.
Time performance may also be improved although I haven't done a
direct comparison.
* update checker refactored to \core\update\ namespace
* plugininfo classes refactored to \core\plugininfo\ namespace
* plugin_manager renamed to core_plugin_manager
* redirect back to original page after plugin uninstall
* fixed assign subplugin uninstall
* move assign subplugins under the assignment in admin tree
* fixed plugininfo for all question related plugin types
* auth uninstall support
* added missing block dependencies
* added theme uninstall
* subplugin types are following the plugin on plugin overview page
* several performance improvements in plugin manager
* new warnigns when plugininfo are outdated or missing
* multiple fixes and other improvements
* Implemented a new course and category management page.
* Deprecated the old management interface.
* Unit tests to cover the new API and core functions.
* Behat tests to cover the new interface.
Makes an option to either default to the activity default, or default
to COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE. This leaves open the possibility of
allowing activities to pick an actual default, instead of just on/off.
This patch prevents inclusion of settings from plugin that or not yet installed or upgraded,
this matches the original logic where we were using the modules table.
List of changes:
* New OOP API using PHP namespace \core\session\.
* All handlers now update the sessions table consistently.
* Experimental DB session support in Oracle.
* Full support for session file handler (filesystem locking required).
* New option for alternative session directory.
* Official memcached session handler support.
* Workaround for memcached version with non-functional gc.
* Improved security - forced session id regeneration.
* Improved compatibility with recent PHP releases.
* Fixed borked CSS during install in debug mode.
* Switched to file based sessions in new installs.
* DB session setting disappears if DB does not support sessions.
* DB session setting disappears if session handler specified in config.php.
* Fast purging of sessions used in request only.
* No legacy distinction - file, database and memcached support the same functionality.
* Session handler name included in performance info.
* Fixed user_loggedin and user_loggedout event triggering.
* Other minor bugfixing and improvements.
* Fixed database session segfault if MUC disposed before $DB.
* Session access time is now updated right after session start.
* Support for $CFG->sessionlockloggedinonly was removed.
* First request does not update userid in sessions table.
* The timeouts may break badly if server hosting forces PHP.ini session settings.
* The session GC is a lot slower, we do not rely on external session timeouts.
* There cannot be any hooks triggered at the session write time.
* File and memcached handlers do not support session lock acquire timeouts.
* Some low level PHP session functions can not be used directly in Moodle code.
Non-standard means php.ini was set to something not in the default list (like 7MB),
then the config was saved to that specific value, and now the value in php.ini has been changed
again so 7MB does not appear in the list.
- 'List of courses' is split into 'List of courses' (available) and 'Enrolled courses', CFG->disablemycourses is deprecated;
- CFG->frontpageloggedin by default shows list of available courses;
- There is separate item to display course search box
- CFG->maxcoursesincombo is deprecated
- CFG->maxcategorydepth changed default value to 2 since we have AJAX loading now
- FRONTPAGECOURSELIMIT is transformed to CFG->frontpagecourselimit