38 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
sam marshall
3749c94627 MDL-42714 Backup: For tgz packer, handle missing zlib extension 2013-11-06 12:34:46 +00:00
Petr Škoda
b2858b916a MDL-42148 new overview of 3rd party libraries
* each plugin has own thirdpartylibs.xml file
* added missing libraries
* fixed existing library infos
* new Site administration / Development / Third party libraries page
2013-10-16 14:48:29 +08:00
sam marshall
39e5102f8b MDL-41838 Backup/restore: Support .tar.gz format for .mbz (2 of 2)
The new experimental setting enabletgzbackups allows backups to be
created so that the internal format for .mbz files is .tar.gz.

Restore transparently supports .mbz files with either internal
formats (.zip or .tar.gz).

The .tar.gz format has the following benefits for backup:
- Supports larger files (no limit on total size, 8GB on single file
  vs. 4GB limit on total size)
- Compresses text better, resulting in smaller .mbz files.
- Reports progress regularly during compression of single files,
  reducing the chance of timeouts during backups that include a
  very large file.

Time performance may also be improved although I haven't done a
direct comparison.
2013-10-08 13:04:49 +01:00
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
2e746b72be MDL-39733 xhprof: implement import of runs 2013-07-02 00:28:47 +02:00
Petr Škoda
13725b3797 MDL-34299 remove xmlstrictheaders setting and switch to html5 doctype by default
This fixes WCAG 2.0 compliance because we were already using HTML5 markup.

The strict XML headers setting never worked for production servers, developers
used browser validators for compliance testing. XHTML 5 option is relatively
similar to this obsolete option, but still it can not be used on production servers.

XHTML Strict 1.x was a standardised dead end, HTML5 is the new de-facto-standard
supported by all major browsers including latest versions of IE.

Please note nothing changes in our coding style because HTML5 is a superset of
several previous standards, it is recommended to use only features that are
already implemented in all our supported browsers.
2012-07-21 19:23:44 +02:00
Sam Hemelryk
514d31c805 MDL-33715 css_optimiser: enablecssoptimiser setting now triggers theme_reset_all_caches when changed 2012-06-19 10:10:20 +12:00
Sam Hemelryk
8f856cd041 MDL-33597 css_optimiser: Moved the Enable CSS optimiser setting from advanced to experimental settings 2012-06-12 14:23:20 +12:00
Davo Smith
1ddc3d1f4c MDL-22504 Course drag and drop upload - experimental setting is now a checkbox 2012-05-21 10:03:55 +01:00
Davo Smith
f684250bda MDL-22504 Course drag and drop upload - removed browser specific content hacks, made 'text and link' dragging an experimental feature 2012-05-21 08:34:50 +01:00
Sam Hemelryk
e106013f34 MDL-26155 admin: Converted admin settings to use new lang_string 2012-01-03 09:09:40 +13:00
Petr Skoda
f68cef22b9 MDL-29923 remove all traces of experimental global search
Hopefully it will be replaced by something fully functional soon, see http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=189023
2011-10-28 10:20:00 +02:00
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
39b3ee70c4 MDL-29768 debugstringids new help lang string now used 2011-10-16 17:51:59 +02:00
Petr Skoda
b007a5d041 MDL-29029 move xmldb-editor to admin tools
 MOV [xmldbeditor,moodle],[pluginname,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [actual,core_xmldb],[actual,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [aftertable,core_xmldb],[aftertable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [back,core_xmldb],[back,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [backtomainview,core_xmldb],[backtomainview,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [binaryincorrectlength,core_xmldb],[binaryincorrectlength,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [cannotuseidfield,core_xmldb],[cannotuseidfield,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [completelogbelow,core_xmldb],[completelogbelow,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmdeletefield,core_xmldb],[confirmdeletefield,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmdeleteindex,core_xmldb],[confirmdeleteindex,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmdeletekey,core_xmldb],[confirmdeletekey,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmdeletetable,core_xmldb],[confirmdeletetable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmdeletexmlfile,core_xmldb],[confirmdeletexmlfile,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmcheckbigints,core_xmldb],[confirmcheckbigints,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmcheckdefaults,core_xmldb],[confirmcheckdefaults,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmcheckforeignkeys,core_xmldb],[confirmcheckforeignkeys,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmcheckindexes,core_xmldb],[confirmcheckindexes,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [confirmrevertchanges,core_xmldb],[confirmrevertchanges,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [create,core_xmldb],[create,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [createtable,core_xmldb],[createtable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [defaultincorrect,core_xmldb],[defaultincorrect,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [delete,core_xmldb],[delete,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [delete_field,core_xmldb],[delete_field,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [delete_index,core_xmldb],[delete_index,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [delete_key,core_xmldb],[delete_key,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [delete_table,core_xmldb],[delete_table,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [delete_xml_file,core_xmldb],[delete_xml_file,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [doc,core_xmldb],[doc,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [docindex,core_xmldb],[docindex,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [documentationintro,core_xmldb],[documentationintro,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [down,core_xmldb],[down,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [duplicate,core_xmldb],[duplicate,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [duplicatefieldname,core_xmldb],[duplicatefieldname,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [duplicatekeyname,core_xmldb],[duplicatekeyname,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit,core_xmldb],[edit,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_field,core_xmldb],[edit_field,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_field_save,core_xmldb],[edit_field_save,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_index,core_xmldb],[edit_index,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_index_save,core_xmldb],[edit_index_save,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_key,core_xmldb],[edit_key,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_key_save,core_xmldb],[edit_key_save,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_table,core_xmldb],[edit_table,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_table_save,core_xmldb],[edit_table_save,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [edit_xml_file,core_xmldb],[edit_xml_file,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [enumvaluesincorrect,core_xmldb],[enumvaluesincorrect,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [expected,core_xmldb],[expected,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [extensionrequired,core_xmldb],[extensionrequired,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [field,core_xmldb],[field,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [fieldnameempty,core_xmldb],[fieldnameempty,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [fields,core_xmldb],[fields,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [fieldsnotintable,core_xmldb],[fieldsnotintable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [fieldsusedinkey,core_xmldb],[fieldsusedinkey,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [filenotwriteable,core_xmldb],[filenotwriteable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [fkviolationdetails,core_xmldb],[fkviolationdetails,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [floatincorrectdecimals,core_xmldb],[floatincorrectdecimals,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [floatincorrectlength,core_xmldb],[floatincorrectlength,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [float2numbernote,core_xmldb],[float2numbernote,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [generate_all_documentation,core_xmldb],[generate_all_documentation,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [generate_documentation,core_xmldb],[generate_documentation,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [gotolastused,core_xmldb],[gotolastused,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [change,core_xmldb],[change,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [charincorrectlength,core_xmldb],[charincorrectlength,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [checkbigints,core_xmldb],[checkbigints,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [check_bigints,core_xmldb],[check_bigints,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [checkdefaults,core_xmldb],[checkdefaults,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [check_defaults,core_xmldb],[check_defaults,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [checkforeignkeys,core_xmldb],[checkforeignkeys,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [check_foreign_keys,core_xmldb],[check_foreign_keys,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [checkindexes,core_xmldb],[checkindexes,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [check_indexes,core_xmldb],[check_indexes,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [incorrectfieldname,core_xmldb],[incorrectfieldname,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [index,core_xmldb],[index,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [indexes,core_xmldb],[indexes,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [integerincorrectlength,core_xmldb],[integerincorrectlength,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [key,core_xmldb],[key,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [keys,core_xmldb],[keys,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [listreservedwords,core_xmldb],[listreservedwords,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [load,core_xmldb],[load,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [main_view,core_xmldb],[main_view,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [masterprimaryuniqueordernomatch,core_xmldb],[masterprimaryuniqueordernomatch,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [missing,core_xmldb],[missing,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [missingindexes,core_xmldb],[missingindexes,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [mustselectonefield,core_xmldb],[mustselectonefield,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [mustselectoneindex,core_xmldb],[mustselectoneindex,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [mustselectonekey,core_xmldb],[mustselectonekey,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [mysqlextracheckbigints,core_xmldb],[mysqlextracheckbigints,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [newfield,core_xmldb],[newfield,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [newindex,core_xmldb],[newindex,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [newkey,core_xmldb],[newkey,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [newtable,core_xmldb],[newtable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [newtablefrommysql,core_xmldb],[newtablefrommysql,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [new_table_from_mysql,core_xmldb],[new_table_from_mysql,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [nomasterprimaryuniquefound,core_xmldb],[nomasterprimaryuniquefound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [nomissingindexesfound,core_xmldb],[nomissingindexesfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [noviolatedforeignkeysfound,core_xmldb],[noviolatedforeignkeysfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [nowrongdefaultsfound,core_xmldb],[nowrongdefaultsfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [nowrongintsfound,core_xmldb],[nowrongintsfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [numberincorrectdecimals,core_xmldb],[numberincorrectdecimals,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [numberincorrectlength,core_xmldb],[numberincorrectlength,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [pendingchanges,core_xmldb],[pendingchanges,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [pendingchangescannotbesaved,core_xmldb],[pendingchangescannotbesaved,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [pendingchangescannotbesavedreload,core_xmldb],[pendingchangescannotbesavedreload,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [reserved,core_xmldb],[reserved,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [reservedwords,core_xmldb],[reservedwords,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [revert,core_xmldb],[revert,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [revert_changes,core_xmldb],[revert_changes,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [save,core_xmldb],[save,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [searchresults,core_xmldb],[searchresults,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [selectaction,core_xmldb],[selectaction,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [selectdb,core_xmldb],[selectdb,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [selectfieldkeyindex,core_xmldb],[selectfieldkeyindex,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [selectonecommand,core_xmldb],[selectonecommand,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [selectonefieldkeyindex,core_xmldb],[selectonefieldkeyindex,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [selecttable,core_xmldb],[selecttable,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [table,core_xmldb],[table,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [tables,core_xmldb],[tables,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [textincorrectlength,core_xmldb],[textincorrectlength,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [unload,core_xmldb],[unload,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [up,core_xmldb],[up,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [view,core_xmldb],[view,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [viewedited,core_xmldb],[viewedited,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [vieworiginal,core_xmldb],[vieworiginal,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [viewphpcode,core_xmldb],[viewphpcode,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [view_reserved_words,core_xmldb],[view_reserved_words,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [viewsqlcode,core_xmldb],[viewsqlcode,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [view_structure_php,core_xmldb],[view_structure_php,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [view_structure_sql,core_xmldb],[view_structure_sql,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [view_table_php,core_xmldb],[view_table_php,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [view_table_sql,core_xmldb],[view_table_sql,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [viewxml,core_xmldb],[viewxml,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [violatedforeignkeys,core_xmldb],[violatedforeignkeys,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [violatedforeignkeysfound,core_xmldb],[violatedforeignkeysfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [violations,core_xmldb],[violations,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [wrong,core_xmldb],[wrong,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [wrongdefaults,core_xmldb],[wrongdefaults,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [wrongints,core_xmldb],[wrongints,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [wronglengthforenum,core_xmldb],[wronglengthforenum,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [wrongreservedwords,core_xmldb],[wrongreservedwords,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [yesmissingindexesfound,core_xmldb],[yesmissingindexesfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [yeswrongdefaultsfound,core_xmldb],[yeswrongdefaultsfound,tool_xmldb]
 MOV [yeswrongintsfound,core_xmldb],[yeswrongintsfound,tool_xmldb]
2011-09-17 23:05:55 +02:00
Petr Skoda
cfe070b292 MDL-29029 move dbtransfer to admin tools
 CPY [dbexport,core_dbtransfer],[pluginname,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [dbexport,core_dbtransfer],[dbexport,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [dbtransfer,core_dbtransfer],[dbtransfer,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [exportdata,core_dbtransfer],[exportdata,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [notargetconectexception,core_dbtransfer],[notargetconectexception,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [pluginname,core_dbtransfer],[pluginname,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [transferdata,core_dbtransfer],[transferdata,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [transferdbintro,core_dbtransfer],[transferdbintro,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [transferdbtoserver,core_dbtransfer],[transferdbtoserver,tool_dbtransfer]
 MOV [transferringdbto,core_dbtransfer],[transferringdbto,tool_dbtransfer]
2011-09-17 22:24:12 +02:00
Petr Skoda
dc80b14251 MDL-26140 hide unfinished experimental DTL pages 2011-01-30 11:50:19 +01:00
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
6af80cae01 MDL-24600 profiling - add xhprof integration 2010-12-20 21:41:45 +01:00
Eloy Lafuente
cbb9e9b8b4 MDL-25310 backup - some minor tasks related to cleaning/old options 2010-11-18 21:34:01 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
693fc4a29f global search MDL-25099 setting global search block to 'hidden' when feature is disabled in experimental settings. 2010-11-11 03:37:54 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
777b5992c2 global search MDL-25099 undoing fix - bad for performance! - will re-implement later. 2010-11-10 09:27:47 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
a6f4018954 global search MDL-25099 locking the global search block to 'hidden' when feature is disabled in experimental settings. 2010-11-10 09:06:46 +00:00
Dongsheng Cai
95dbbf3a32 MDL-23308, move legacyfilesinnewcourse setting from developement settings to repository settings. 2010-09-10 03:35:11 +00:00
Petr Skoda
deb73728e7 MDL-23308 added a feature to allow legacy course files in new courses too 2010-09-03 12:00:59 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
ba6c97eeae MDL-23167 Upgraded "Purge caches" to a full admin page with a confirm button, and added a link to it in the footer for developers. 2010-07-18 07:17:01 +00:00
Petr Skoda
39668e9beb MDL-22544 html purifier now default cleaning engine - die kses die 2010-05-21 11:13:52 +00:00
Petr Skoda
98da60215e MDL-22033 groupings now enabled unconditionally, groupmembersonly kept as experimental - this simplifies groups code logic a bit, user interface changes should not be significant because the groupings are not visible much until at least one created; hopefully the new description of groupmembersonly will have to preventsome gradebook complaints 2010-04-07 07:37:12 +00:00
jerome mouneyrac
220e5a767a webservice MDL-21463 trivial change of test client title 2010-01-29 02:57:51 +00:00
jerome mouneyrac
75537cbfee webservice MDL-21463 add our web service test client into the admin tree development section 2010-01-29 02:40:42 +00:00
Penny Leach
de260e0f7b mnet MDL-21261 large overhaul. This commit changes:
- The way that mnet rpc functions are registered.  Plugins must now
  create db/mnet.php which is an array, similar to services.php.  This
  *replaces* the old mnet_publishes() functions.  version.php must be
  bumped to trigger this.

- More information about each rpc-available function is stored in the
  database, including the class it belongs to, the file it is found in,
  and whether or not it is static.  Methods that are not static must be
  in a class with a constructor that takes no arguments (this can easily
  be achieved with a small wrapper if necessary)

- The xmlrpc dispatcher has been rewritten to remove all the
  dependencies on hardcoded information about auth,mnet,portfolio and
  repository, and just use the information in the database.

- The old hardcoded hidden mnet/testclient.php has been moved to the
  Admin menu under "Development" and rewritten.

- The xmlrpc introspection method profiling is now using php and zend
  reflection - which is a lot nicer than the old way, which was using a
  php-based php parser.  This fixes some inconsistent handling of
  methods without arguments that were advertising their return value as
  the only method parameter.  While this is a *fix*, it breaks BC
  slightly - the old 1.9 broken mnet/testclient.php will now not work
  properly with 2.0

- Dangerous mode is still supported, but old mod/*/rpclib.php is
  now unsupported, due to the fact that any plugin can export mnet
  functions with db/mnet.php.  This is a slight BC break.

Still TODO:

- Document the two small BC breaks in release notes
- Document the contract for db/mnet.php
2010-01-28 05:25:50 +00:00
Petr Skoda
78946b9bdb MDL-20204 first batch of major theme changes, some regressions are still there, expect more changes and improvements soon; see tracker for details and list of subtasks 2009-12-16 18:00:58 +00:00
Petr Skoda
11b749ca90 MDL-20700 coding style cleanup - cvs keywords removed, closign php tag removed, trailing whitespace cleanup 2009-11-01 10:32:02 +00:00
Eloy Lafuente
79a7bcfd0b MDL-20591 IMS-CC import: Integration committed. Next weeklies will include it. Merged from 19_STABLE 2009-10-26 09:21:50 +00:00
7d4dfc481e quiz: MDL-19145 Safe Exam Browser integration.
This is a better alternative to 'secure' mode.

It needs to be enabled by the administrator.
2009-09-30 10:57:57 +00:00
7689a0f34b admin/settings MDL-20180 Moved "Debugging" from the Server menu to the Development menu where it makes more sense.
Also moved some things around a bit to make them look a little better.  Ideally Experimental would be last but this is not easy to do because unit tests adds items to the end later.
2009-08-28 07:34:39 +00:00
0c34c7eb50 translation: MDL-18766 reverting. I guess it was not yet ready for prime-time.
I'll commit the patch to contrib in case anyone wishes to experiment further.
2009-04-02 02:42:11 +00:00
b4cf937102 translation: MDL-18766 Prototype automatic translation system for Moodle.
If Google can do something like http://translate.google.com/, surely we
can do something just as good in Moodle. Here is a first attempt. It is
a bit rough around the edges, and only a couple of target lananguages
have been implemented so far. (More and better attempts welcome!)

In order to ensure that this gets adequate testing, I have made sure that
it gets turn on by default. However, if you really don't like it, you can
turn it off under Administration > Development -> Experimental settings.
2009-04-01 00:39:17 +00:00
Francois Marier
200164446a Fix drift with CVS 2009-03-11 13:16:54 +00:00
82bd6a5ea9 MDL-15499: Conditional availability of activities 2008-12-17 16:37:35 +00:00
b032b49099 MDL-16348 Reorganise admin tree:
* New Capability report put under Users -> Permissions
* Miscellaneous category renamed to Development
* Unit tests and Functional DB test moved to be under Development.
* The hard-coded hack that was used to change the permission that controls the Backups and stats reports replaced with settings.php files.
* There were two hidden Miscellaneous things in the old category, so I moved them. Multilan upgrade now under Lanuages, and Online assignment cleanup now under Plugins -> Activity modules. Both still hidden.

There was already a way for admin report plugins to control where they appeared in the tree, but it was not documented, so see http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Admin_reports
2008-09-08 11:32:31 +00:00