* each plugin has own thirdpartylibs.xml file
* added missing libraries
* fixed existing library infos
* new Site administration / Development / Third party libraries page
The new experimental setting enabletgzbackups allows backups to be
created so that the internal format for .mbz files is .tar.gz.
Restore transparently supports .mbz files with either internal
formats (.zip or .tar.gz).
The .tar.gz format has the following benefits for backup:
- Supports larger files (no limit on total size, 8GB on single file
vs. 4GB limit on total size)
- Compresses text better, resulting in smaller .mbz files.
- Reports progress regularly during compression of single files,
reducing the chance of timeouts during backups that include a
very large file.
Time performance may also be improved although I haven't done a
direct comparison.
This fixes WCAG 2.0 compliance because we were already using HTML5 markup.
The strict XML headers setting never worked for production servers, developers
used browser validators for compliance testing. XHTML 5 option is relatively
similar to this obsolete option, but still it can not be used on production servers.
XHTML Strict 1.x was a standardised dead end, HTML5 is the new de-facto-standard
supported by all major browsers including latest versions of IE.
Please note nothing changes in our coding style because HTML5 is a superset of
several previous standards, it is recommended to use only features that are
already implemented in all our supported browsers.
- The way that mnet rpc functions are registered. Plugins must now
create db/mnet.php which is an array, similar to services.php. This
*replaces* the old mnet_publishes() functions. version.php must be
bumped to trigger this.
- More information about each rpc-available function is stored in the
database, including the class it belongs to, the file it is found in,
and whether or not it is static. Methods that are not static must be
in a class with a constructor that takes no arguments (this can easily
be achieved with a small wrapper if necessary)
- The xmlrpc dispatcher has been rewritten to remove all the
dependencies on hardcoded information about auth,mnet,portfolio and
repository, and just use the information in the database.
- The old hardcoded hidden mnet/testclient.php has been moved to the
Admin menu under "Development" and rewritten.
- The xmlrpc introspection method profiling is now using php and zend
reflection - which is a lot nicer than the old way, which was using a
php-based php parser. This fixes some inconsistent handling of
methods without arguments that were advertising their return value as
the only method parameter. While this is a *fix*, it breaks BC
slightly - the old 1.9 broken mnet/testclient.php will now not work
properly with 2.0
- Dangerous mode is still supported, but old mod/*/rpclib.php is
now unsupported, due to the fact that any plugin can export mnet
functions with db/mnet.php. This is a slight BC break.
Still TODO:
- Document the two small BC breaks in release notes
- Document the contract for db/mnet.php
Also moved some things around a bit to make them look a little better. Ideally Experimental would be last but this is not easy to do because unit tests adds items to the end later.
If Google can do something like, surely we
can do something just as good in Moodle. Here is a first attempt. It is
a bit rough around the edges, and only a couple of target lananguages
have been implemented so far. (More and better attempts welcome!)
In order to ensure that this gets adequate testing, I have made sure that
it gets turn on by default. However, if you really don't like it, you can
turn it off under Administration > Development -> Experimental settings.
* New Capability report put under Users -> Permissions
* Miscellaneous category renamed to Development
* Unit tests and Functional DB test moved to be under Development.
* The hard-coded hack that was used to change the permission that controls the Backups and stats reports replaced with settings.php files.
* There were two hidden Miscellaneous things in the old category, so I moved them. Multilan upgrade now under Lanuages, and Online assignment cleanup now under Plugins -> Activity modules. Both still hidden.
There was already a way for admin report plugins to control where they appeared in the tree, but it was not documented, so see