from BD to be displayed. Some SQL statements have been modified to
get target records, avoiding a lot of post-processing causing some
bugs like Bug 1912
Merged from MOODLE_14_STABLE
All the page headers work correctly also on the site course.
On the site page the modules don't require login unless necessary or required by $CFG->forcelogin.
See the TODO.txt to get details about pending tasks.
The db upgrade should work fine (not tested under postgresql).
The plugin architecture is finished too.
See Bug 936.
Now duplicate entries are showed in all the lists. Simply I've changed
the fields order in select statements to make entryid (unique) the first.
Not detected negative consequences...ciao :-)
with and without aliases. Changed the cuery to a left join to
be able to process entries without aliases. This type of operation
should be changed to boolean queries sometime in MySQL 4!!
Test it!!
- Adding a display format manager. It controls the behavior of the display format when the user enter the glossary and when an auto-link is shown.
- Adding support to the new fullname function.