The visibility of coursemodules is now always set through the function set_coursemodule_visible() in order to make sure that the associated events get updated in the calendar appropriately.
If moving a coursemodule to a hidden section then the module is set to hidden as well and its events are hidden in the calendar.
If deleting a coursemodule its events are deleted from the calendar.
The function choose_from_menu() has an extra optional argument $disabled which, when set to true, will disable the menu.
For the sake of consistency the function set_groupmode_for_module has been renamed to set_coursemodule_groupmode and the functions show_course_module() and hide_course_module() have been combined to set_coursemodule_visible().
options or not. This is handled as in the resource module. The
"Show advanced options" button is only shown if the admin has
chosen to declare some of the options as advanced.
There are now 4 review options as suggested by Martin in
Provides separate buttons "Update this quiz" and "Edit questions",
see To make this
possible edit.php can now be called with a quiz id and it saves
its data itself rather than relying on mod.php.
mod.html now has a "Save changes" and a "Save changes and edit questions" button.
"Attempt quiz now" button gets a different language string for
re-attempts. This is currently set to "Re-attempt quiz".
After viewing the feedback for an attempt the "Continue" button
leads back to the course homepage, as requested in bugs 1224 and
1976. If there is no feedback the user is brought straight to quiz/view.php.
These are the changes from MOODLE_13_STABLE, merged into trunk
The tag MOODLE_13_MERGED on the MOODLE_13_STABLE branch now refers to this point
The biggest changes here are the fixes for HTML editor in all standard modules
This makes it possible for students to take a tedious quiz, save it half-way and have it graded. The student can then, at a later point, get back to the quiz and have the previous answers already filled in and graded. The student can then continue with the remaining questions as well as redo all the answers that got wrong at the previous attempt.
It seems to work fine with one little twisted exception:
Say that the student attempts the quiz first and that the teacher thereafter edits the quiz and removes or adds a few questions. This will work out fine for as long as the teacher do not get the idea of adding a question with question type RANDOM. The quiz will be fully functional again after removing that RANDOM question or resetting the option 'Each attempt builds on the last" to NO.
Not a very serious problem but it takes someone with greater insight in question type RANDOM to resolve it.
As always, I can not commit lang/en/quiz.php.
As I was using the function quiz_get_attempt_responses I had it refactored removing the obsolete argument $quiz. I also changed the call from review.php