When an additional name field is not enabled in the admin settings the
text box should still be available to fill out in a section further down
the page (Additional names).
If the language string is missing firstname or lastname, then when displaying the
user edit form it defaults to 'firstname lastname'
Previous logic has been moved out to new functions with unit tests.
* update checker refactored to \core\update\ namespace
* plugininfo classes refactored to \core\plugininfo\ namespace
* plugin_manager renamed to core_plugin_manager
* redirect back to original page after plugin uninstall
* fixed assign subplugin uninstall
* move assign subplugins under the assignment in admin tree
* fixed plugininfo for all question related plugin types
* auth uninstall support
* added missing block dependencies
* added theme uninstall
* subplugin types are following the plugin on plugin overview page
* several performance improvements in plugin manager
* new warnigns when plugininfo are outdated or missing
* multiple fixes and other improvements
This patch includes:
* version column removed from modules table, now using standard config, this allows decimal version for modules
* version column removed from block table, now using standard config, this allows decimal version for blocks
* module version.php can safely use $plugins instead of module
* new plugin_manager bulk caching, this should help with MUC performance when logged in as admin
* all missing plugins are now in plugin overview (previously only blocks and modules)
* simplified code and improved coding style
* reworked plugin_manager unit tests - now using real plugins instead of mocks
* unit tests now fail if any plugin does not contain proper version.php file
* allow uninstall of deleted filters
List of changes:
* New OOP API using PHP namespace \core\session\.
* All handlers now update the sessions table consistently.
* Experimental DB session support in Oracle.
* Full support for session file handler (filesystem locking required).
* New option for alternative session directory.
* Official memcached session handler support.
* Workaround for memcached version with non-functional gc.
* Improved security - forced session id regeneration.
* Improved compatibility with recent PHP releases.
* Fixed borked CSS during install in debug mode.
* Switched to file based sessions in new installs.
* DB session setting disappears if DB does not support sessions.
* DB session setting disappears if session handler specified in config.php.
* Fast purging of sessions used in request only.
* No legacy distinction - file, database and memcached support the same functionality.
* Session handler name included in performance info.
* Fixed user_loggedin and user_loggedout event triggering.
* Other minor bugfixing and improvements.
* Fixed database session segfault if MUC disposed before $DB.
* Session access time is now updated right after session start.
* Support for $CFG->sessionlockloggedinonly was removed.
* First request does not update userid in sessions table.
* The timeouts may break badly if server hosting forces PHP.ini session settings.
* The session GC is a lot slower, we do not rely on external session timeouts.
* There cannot be any hooks triggered at the session write time.
* File and memcached handlers do not support session lock acquire timeouts.
* Some low level PHP session functions can not be used directly in Moodle code.
generate_email_supportuser was not creating user which can
be used by messaging system. core_user::get_support_user()
should be used to get support_user record.
For example, a user may create a date/time profile field and set the 'Start year'
field to '2012'. Another user, using the Hijri calendar, may edit the name of
this field. They visit the settings page and in this case the date '1/1/2012'
is converted to '7/2/1433' in Hijri. So, the year '1433' is then displayed.
The user then changes the name of this field and saves the form. This is where
the issue occurs, as the date '1/1/1433' is converted into Gregorian, which
converts to the year '26/09/2011', so the year '2011' is saved in the DB, not