This is a mega-checkin of the new Roles system. A lot of changes have
been made in core and modules.
Currently there are a lot of rough edges and known problems. We are
working hard on these .. .the reason for getting this into HEAD at this
stage is enable us to move faster (our branch was diverging from HEAD
too much).
Please keep an eye on http://docs.moodle.org/en/Roles for current status
and information for developers on how to use the new Roles system.
block is constructed. A new function exists to pump these notes out
in a standard way : print_recent_activity_note.
Module dependencies also updated because of this.
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
because generalcomment and teachercomment were not null and didn't have defaults.
for some reason mysql allows this but postgres complains. I've set empty string defaults and added into mysql for consistency.
These are the changes from MOODLE_13_STABLE, merged into trunk
The tag MOODLE_13_MERGED on the MOODLE_13_STABLE branch now refers to this point
The biggest changes here are the fixes for HTML editor in all standard modules
by Ray Kingdon.
Works quite well, but it's not clear yet if this will be part of
major releases (due to the overlap with assignments and workshops
and the confusion this may cause).