rowclass property has been deprecated, rowclasses should be used.
Direct assigning of the class has been deprecated,
moodle_html_elements::set_classes() should be used instead. In both
cases, debugging message is displayed.
even non-course and sticky blocks.
The parent context is block_instances.parentcontextid.
The block context should be used for checking permissions directly
related to the block, like moodle/block:view or moodle/site:manageblocks.
However, if the block is displaying information about the current page,
for example the participants block showing who 'here', then it may be
better to use the context of the page where the bloack is appearing -
in other words $this->page->context - to check permissions about the
user's ability to see participants here.
Or, if the block is displaying something stronly related to courses,
for example, a course meny block, the block should probably use the
context for $this->page->course to check permissions.
!This is the correct version of the previous commit!
I was getting an interesting failure with $CFG->prefix commented
out in config.php (by mistake!). Abbreviated stack trace
lib/setup.php -> setup_DB -> dml_exception('prefixcannotbeempty') ->
get_string -> string_manager->__construct -> get_plugin_types
That loads lib.php from every module, which runs out of memeory.
I was getting an interesting failure with $CFG->prefix commented
out in config.php (by mistake!). Abbreviated stack trace
lib/setup.php -> setup_DB -> dml_exception('prefixcannotbeempty') ->
get_string -> string_manager->__construct -> get_plugin_types
That loads lib.php from every module, which runs out of memeory.
The code to print blocks in now in theme layout.php files. (Or in
Code for printing blocks everywhere else has been stripped out.
(Total diffstat 1225 insertions, 2019 deletions)
The way the HTML for a block instance is generated has been cleaned
up a lot. Now, the block_instance generates a block_contents
object which gives a structured representation of the block,
and then $OUTPUT->block builds all the HTML from that.
How theme config.php files specify the layout template and block
regions by page general type has been changed to be even more flexible.
Further refinement for how the theme and block code gets initialised.
Ability for scrits to add 'pretend blocks' to the page. That is,
things that look like blocks, but are not normal block_instances.
(Like the add a new block UI.)
Things that are still broken:
* some pages in lesson, quiz and resource. I'm working on it.
* lots of developer debug notices pointing out things that
need to be updated.
The initial patch has been reviewed at the issue page. This commit also
fixes template_renderer_factory::get_renderer() and sets up folders for
subtypes there.
It will no only be loaded when it is being used. If something new comes along they will need to remember to require it.
At the same time cleaned up a few deprecated calls
In doing this I was able to eliminate the need for javascript.php files, now removed.
I will also be filing several subtasks to clean up the linked to JS files in OUTPUT as well
as all instance of the old style of focusing.
* Writing lots more PHPdoc comments for all the settings.
* Strip the comments from the standard theme config.php (see below)
* Move finding the layout template from moodle_core_renderer to the theme_config class
* Move loading meta.php files from moodle_core_renderer to the theme_config class
* MDL-19719 Remove support for $THEME->langsheets, and lang/.../styles.php
* MDL-19719 Put the Vietnamese-specific code into the standard theme
* Support for styles.php in all plugin types (at the theme's discretion). (c/f MDL-16438)
* More PHP doc comments for moodle_core_renderer methods.
About stripping comments from config.php: I'm not sure if this
is a good idea, and I may revert this bit. I am hoping that once has
been updated, that will be better than copying and pasting these
comments into every theme. I intend to post in the themes forum
to canvas opinions.