Bug fixes:
* fixed broken flash resizing via URL
* upgraded Flowplayer
* fixed invalid context in format_text()
* all media related CSS moved from themes to filter and resources
* fixed automatic pdf resizing in resources
* reworked filter_mediaplugin system settings - grouped by player type instead of individual extensions, added more information
* improved regex url matching
* removed old unused players, Eolas fix and UFO embedding
* image embedding moved to filter_urltolink
* new Flowplayer embedding API
* accessibility and compatibility tweaks in Flowplayer
* SWF embedding now works only in trusted texts, it is now enabled by default (works everywhere if "Allow EMBED and OBJECT tags" enabled)
* new default video width and height
New features:
* automatic Flash video resizing using information from video metadata
* Flash HD video support (*.f4v)
* Flash video embedding with HTML5 fallback - compatible with iOS and other mobile devices
* Vimeo embedding
* no-cookie YouTube site supported
* HTML 5 audio and video with multiple source URLs and QuickTime fallback
* more video and audio extensions in filelib.php
* MP3 player colours customisable via CSS in themes
* nomediaplugin class in a tag prevents media embedding
Major tasks undertaken in this patch:
* New format_text argument, overflowdiv.
* New page layout Report.
* Review of all format_text calls.
* Added support for the report layout to all themes.
* Changed forum post display from tables to divs.
* Changed layout from tables to the 3 divs (2,1,3)
* Cleaned up the all of the images, remade where required with optimised palettes
* Rewrote CSS, this is ongoing process with changes required in both base and anomaly
* Customised the dock to fit with the theme
* Implemented a custom renderer to achieve rounded corners in IE + Opera (CSS otherwise)
The code to print blocks in now in theme layout.php files. (Or in
Code for printing blocks everywhere else has been stripped out.
(Total diffstat 1225 insertions, 2019 deletions)
The way the HTML for a block instance is generated has been cleaned
up a lot. Now, the block_instance generates a block_contents
object which gives a structured representation of the block,
and then $OUTPUT->block builds all the HTML from that.
How theme config.php files specify the layout template and block
regions by page general type has been changed to be even more flexible.
Further refinement for how the theme and block code gets initialised.
Ability for scrits to add 'pretend blocks' to the page. That is,
things that look like blocks, but are not normal block_instances.
(Like the add a new block UI.)
Things that are still broken:
* some pages in lesson, quiz and resource. I'm working on it.
* lots of developer debug notices pointing out things that
need to be updated.