This patch adds lots of webservices to the assignment module.
* mod_assign_revert_submissions_to_draft
* mod_assign_lock_submissions
* mod_assign_unlock_submissions
* mod_assign_save_submission
* mod_assign_submit_for_grading
* mod_assign_save_grade
* mod_assign_save_user_extensions
* mod_assign_reveal_identities
* mod_assign_copy_previous_attempt
All features such as reopening attempts and marking workflow are supported through
the save_grade and save_submission functions.
Uploading files is supported by sending draft item ids for the files_filemanager param the same functions.
Non-standard means php.ini was set to something not in the default list (like 7MB),
then the config was saved to that specific value, and now the value in php.ini has been changed
again so 7MB does not appear in the list.
The permissions check is not correct (even users with grade capability should not
see user identities) and $assignment->get_renderer() is preferred over $OUTPUT.
This is mostly fixed by MDL-36832 which correctly sets the $PAGE->url.
This patch hides the submit and textareas from submission comments in the grading table when
javascript is disabled and quickgrading is enabled. This particular combination results in a form
nested in a form which does not work (and cannot be fixed in a reasonable amount of time).
This change removes the "0 bytes" option from the get_max_upload_sizes list
and replaces it with "Course limit (X)" or "Site limit (X)" (whichever is smaller).
This means we can remove all custom handling in the modules that were removing and
adding these options. It only affects pages that pass valid options for sitelimit and
courselimit - so admin pages will work correctly.
It also orders the list so the course/site limit options will be first
(as it will be the largest).
REM [courseuploadlimit, core] has been parameterized to get [uploadlimitwithsize, core]
This change adds a function to the assign class to allow the permissions for a group submission
to be checked and updates all the submission plugins to call it.
Advanced upload files assignment type has "Enable send for marking" setting instead
of "Allow resubmissions". Needs special handling in upgrade code to convert to
"Require students click submit button".
When group submissions and blind marking are enabled, an error is thrown
when a teacher trys to download all submissions in a zip. The fix is to
move the url rewriting from the plugin to the assign class so it is
done in a standard way by all modules. The rewriting is done to make images
in a text editor field resolve correctly.
- Added possibility for editor form field to specify return_types (default FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL | FILE_REFERENCE)
- For assignment, workshop, quiz essay submissions and form posts do not allow FILE_REFERENCE
- Fixed mod_resource return_types, reset them to default, because filemanager does not know how to work with FILE_EXTERNAL links
This was preventing the view full submission/feedback link from appearing
everywhere in the assignment when the submission/feedback content had been
truncated in the summary because it was too long (or too many files)