CPY [log:viewlive,coursereport_log,[loglive:view,report_loglive]
MOV [livelogs,core],[livelogs,report_loglive]
CPY [loglive,coursereport_log],[pluginname,report_loglive]
This fixes warnings in course description when searching courses with
users assigned multiple display roles. It cleans up inconsistent behaviour
which I noticed whilst fixing the bug. Now course search and course listing
use the same logic to display users.
If a module doesn't have module_get_coursemodule_info function, but it does have 'intro' and 'introformat' fields in its main table, then all it needs to do is return true for FEATURE_SHOW_DESCRIPTIONS and everything is handled automatically.
The 'Show description' feature is about optionally including module description on the course page. This change include the necessary infrastructure - new database field, new FEATURE constant, changes to forms to display it, new language strings for it, backup and restore, and old course conversion. (I found the places to change by searching for an existing field in course_modules).
Documentation for the field is included in install.xml and in modinfolib.
Internally, the new script modduplicate.php performs a single activity
backup and restore and then moves the newly created copy right below the
This is a final cleanup commit of fullname and shortname issue. All
places where these strings were detected yet have been replaced with
proper fullnamecourse or fullnameuser or some other context specific
CPY [fullname,core],[outcomefullname,core_grades]
CPY [shortname,core],[outcomeshortname,core_grades]
CPY [name,core],[rolefullname,core_role]
CPY [shortname,core],[roleshortname,core_role]
This commit:
a) moves modinfo code into new library modinfolib.php
b) uses classes instead of stdClass objects, allowing a huge amount of documentation (and IDE completion)
c) adds hooks so that plugins other than forum can display messages like forum's 'unread', and plugins other than label can display html (apart from/as well as their view.php link) on the course view page
d) removes current hacks for forum and label (mainly in print_section but also across the code), replacing with new 'content' and similar variables [this is the reason for the changes in blocks, etc]
e) reduces size of modinfo in database (only when rebuilt) by excluding empty fields
The change is intended to be backward compatible and does not affect the format of modinfo in database.