Now a reactive component could inherit the reactive instance from the
parent DOM element. This way components are more reusable. Apart, some
new state updates have been added. To the previous create, update and
delete, now the update message could provide also put and override,
making the state update message more REST alike and simplifying the
backend returns processing.
This works by adding event listeners for elements that contain
the 'copytoclipboard' "data-action" attribute through event delegation.
These trigger elements must also define a "data-clipboard-target"
attribute which contains the query selector for the target element
where text will be copied.
On success, a toast message is shown to the user that the text has
been copied to the clipboard. This success message can be customised
by passing a message string to the "data-clipboard-success-message"
attribute in the trigger element.
When the element's value or innerText cannot be found, a toast message
indicating that the text cannot be copied to the clipboard is shown.
The copy to clipboard functionality is primarily using the Clipboard API
but in the event that this is not available, e.g. the site is not
running on HTTPS, this falls back to the document.execCommand('copy')
approach of copying the text in the target container.
Special thanks to Andrew for improving this module with the event
delegation approach and improved fallback handling.
Co-authored-by: Andrew Lyons <>
The new course creation for Moodle 4.0 requires to add
some leavel of reactivity to the frontend. Instead of
building a specific solution only for the course editor,
in this commit there's a generic solution that can be
used in other places in Moodle to implement single
state reactive components.
The legacy M.core.event.FILTER_CONTENT_UPDATED event has been replaced with a
new core_filter/events::filterContentUpdated native DOM event.
The new event can be triggered using the `notifyFilterContentUpdated`
function, and by providing with an Array containing the HTMLElements
that were updated, for example:
import {notifyFilterContentUpdated} from 'core_filter/events';
const someHandler = e => {
// ...
const nodeList = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div'));
The new event can be listened to at any point in the DOM using the
following syntax:
import {eventTypes} from 'core_filter/events';
const handler = e => {
// The list of HTMLElements in an Array.
document.addEventListener(eventTypes.filterContentUpdated, handler);
A backward-compatabibility layer is included to ensure that any legacy
YUI event listener, or jQuery event listener are still called with the
same arguments.
This legacy bridges will be removed after Moodle 4.3.
The legacy M.core.event.EDITOR_CONTENT_RESTORED event has been replaced
with a new core_editor/events::editorContentRestored native DOM event.
The new event can be listened to at any point in the DOM using the
following syntax:
import {eventTypes} from 'core_editor/events';
document.addEventListener(eventTypes.editorContentRestored, handler);
A backward-compatabibility layer is included to ensure that any legacy
jQuery event is still called with the same arguments.
This legacy bridge will be removed after Moodle 4.3.
The legacy M.core.event.FORM_SUBMIT_AJAX ecent has been replaced with a
new core_form/events::formSubmittedByJavascript native DOM event.
The new event can be listened to at any point in the DOM using the
following syntax:
import {eventTypes} from 'core_form/events';
document.addEventListener(eventTypes.formSubmittedByJavascript, handler);
A backward-compatabibility layer is included to ensure that any
legacy YUI event triggered on a form is still respected and the new
native event is also fired.
A similar handler is also included to ensure that any legacy YUI event
listener is still called with the same arguments.
These legacy bridges will be removed after Moodle 4.3.
They are thrown in the following circumstances:
* The dynamic form class doesn't exist;
* It does exist but it's `check_access` method throws exception
Co-Authored-By: Andrew Nicols <>
Changed the element selector to get all array elements,
whether named or unnamed. The previus selector was only
working for elements that thir names were like name="something[]".
It was not working for name="something[a]" elements.
The form_autocomplete is essentially a custom element. Unfortunately the
`setValue()` function in Mink has undesired actions so it is necessary
to write our own handling for it.
The standard Mink `setValue()` function focuses the element, sets a
value, and then blurs the element. In the case of the autocomplete this
can cause the autocomplete suggestions list to be closed in some
situations. Instead of using the setValue we click, and type the value,
but do not immediately blur.
Fixed a regression caused by MDL-64194 resulting in Dashboard - Course
overview pagination not working from second page of courses onwards.
Course overview block should now do the following:
- Display no pagination controls when user has no courses
- Display no pagination controls when less than 12 courses to display
- Only display pagination controls up to the number of courses user is
enrolled in
- Work correctly when on a page greater than the second page.
A previous change as part of this commitset was intended to move the
modal to the document.body, but where the modal had been destroyed it
was instead added back to the body.