The dual front-page/system-wide form to edit blocks can
be reduced asuming that, always:
A) system sets the context to system,
recursively and with page-type set to "*"
B) frontpage only sets the context to site-course,
non-recursively and with page-type set to "site-index"
C) frontpage all added sets the context to site-course,
recursively and with paget-type set to "*"
And that is the change that this patch provides, by:
1) detecting properly if we are editing blocks @ protpage
2) passing that information to the form data processor
3) setting parentcontextid, showinsubcontexts and
pagetypepattern following the A, B, C immutables above.
Finally, and affecting some other system-wide pages, there
are cases (my, user templates...) having only one possible
pagetypepattern, and it looks badly if the page has subpages, so
for those system-wide cases we are showing exceptionaly the
pagetypepattern statically. This will be revisited once MDL-30574
is decided and implemented, although perhaps it's ok to leave it
as default to places with only one pagetypepattern available.
This is an attempt to clean up and fix the computation of the block
stickiness. At first, the page pattern can't be ignored because the user
may want to currently try to limit the page pattern. Second, the
site-index pattern can be forced only if the user selected 'Front page
only' as the page context.
Everytime that one block instance is edited @ any subcontext,
guarantee that the 'bring back' pattern (* = all pages) is
available, so the block can be reseted to its original context
New PARAM_COMPONENT, PARAM_AREA and PARAM_PLUGIN + fixing of hopefully all current incorrect parameter types. This should help with diagnosing of incorrectly named 3rd party plugins too.
I added a deprecated method add_pretend_block that forwards to add_fake_block, so old code should be break. However, I aslo updated all the callers in core code.
* Themes can now check if a region is completely docked
* Dock now delegates events to improve performance
* Dock now completely YUI3
* No longer uses YUI overlay instead has custom control
* Routine navigation through the quiz and question modules
* Fixed navbar through quiz and questions
* Pages headers added throughout
* Added method to turn a navigation node into a tabs array suitable for use with print tabs
Thanks very much to Remote Learner Canada, especially Hubert Chathi and Olav Jordan, for their work on the bulk of this code, and also Mike Churchward for supporting them. I worked on it after that (actually simplified it by removing a feature temporarily: multiple pages) to bring it more to what I was imagining, and to provide a base to build on and get all the navigation perfect.
There's still work to do. Some blocks don't quite work as expected, and some of the code still needs upgrading to bring it fully into line with 2.0. We also could use a much better course overview block and better CSS styling of the profile pages. But it's definitely more usable this it was, I think.
Actually none of current blocks defined the checked string 'editinga' so
it does not break BC if get_string('blockconfiga', 'moodle') is used
all the time.
Navigation has now been re-ordered in accordance with
This has led to several changes in the way in which navigation is generated included API changes, most notably using the
navigation_nodes add method now returns the newly added node rather than the key.
At the same time the global_navigation_tree block has been renamed to navigation and settings_navigation_tree to settings.