The Flash Player was deprecated in 2017 and officially discontinued
on 31 December 2020, so media_swf player has been completely
removed from Moodle core.
Corresponding move of language string invalidpersistenterror following
move of class invalid_persistent_exception in MDL-57273.
MOV [invalidpersistenterror,core_competencies],[invalidpersistenterror,core_error]
This optional environmental check will look if:
- the site is running php72.
- the site has igbinary extension enabled.
- the igbinary extension version is a buggy one >=3.2.2 <= 3.2.4
- the bug is reproducible.
And will warn if all the conditions are met.
The course index is the first UI component that implements the new
drawers and the reactive components. The course index uses the course
state to present the current course structure and changes whenever
that structure change.
This commit implements the qbank api so that any plugin
can implement its own question bank. This api currently
works parallely with the moodle core classes and the
added qbank in the core, means the moment a plugin
is installed, that object is replaced with the object
from the plugin instead of core, which means the api
has flexibility till the plugins are integrated and the
plugins can be integrated in any order.
All the old classes are still there and not deprecated
as there is a different tracker for the changes to the
quiz and another tracker for class deprecation and
class renaming. Core question units tests are pointing
to the new api structure but the classes are pointing
to the location related to the plugin availability.
Co-Authored-By: Luca Bösch <>
Co-Authored-By: Guillermo Gomez Arias <>
one more array fix
This commit implements the qbank plugin type which
includes the boilerplate for the qbank plugin, the
qbank plugin management admin page and required core
code addition.
- `notifylevel` will change what gets sent as part of the antivirus
notification emails based on the scan type. For example if set on
SCAN_RESULT_FOUND, it will not notify for any detections, if set to
SCAN_RESULT_ERROR, it will notify for both detections and errors.
- `threshold` will determine how far the lookback is when displaying the
status of the /reports/status (System Status) page. It will display as
an ERROR state if there has been scanner issues within this certain
threshold period
- As part of the above, scanner errors will now trigger a new event
which will be logged as antivirus_scan_data_error or
antivirus_scan_file_error. Due to the nature of it reading from the
logs table, it only works currently for the "Standard logging"
Apart from reorganising the information displayed in the badges page,
this information has been moved to a template in order to make it
easier to modify and maintain.
Convert to system report API provided by Report builder. The entity
defined the column and filters, which are used by the system
report class we have created.
Report actions are also defined in the system report.
Note that although system report persistents store user modified
and created fields, these are not the values of the user who did
either. Merely the user who first viewed the report.
Entities are re-usable collections of report columns and filters. When
creating system reports, we can re-use those elements from entities
without having to know specific details about their implementation.
They can be joined to reports, or other entities, using standard SQL
query syntax.
Define base classes, and create two example entities: course and user.
Co-Authored-By: David Matamoros <>
This change contains most of the output components required for
reports such as exporters, templates, AMD modules.
Also included are classes within the component table namespace which
are required for extending the dynamic table API.
Implement base filter classes as well as commonly used filter types
(e.g. text, date, select, etc).
Filters are used in reports to allow users to narrow down the data
that is being displayed.
Co-Authored-By: Paul Holden <>
Improve the Test outgoing mail configuration admin page adding:
- Timestamp to the subject and message text.
- Additional subject text to the current text subject.
- From field (username or email) to send the test email from the that Moodle user.