This fixes WCAG 2.0 compliance because we were already using HTML5 markup.
The strict XML headers setting never worked for production servers, developers
used browser validators for compliance testing. XHTML 5 option is relatively
similar to this obsolete option, but still it can not be used on production servers.
XHTML Strict 1.x was a standardised dead end, HTML5 is the new de-facto-standard
supported by all major browsers including latest versions of IE.
Please note nothing changes in our coding style because HTML5 is a superset of
several previous standards, it is recommended to use only features that are
already implemented in all our supported browsers.
Bug fixes:
* fixed broken flash resizing via URL
* upgraded Flowplayer
* fixed invalid context in format_text()
* all media related CSS moved from themes to filter and resources
* fixed automatic pdf resizing in resources
* reworked filter_mediaplugin system settings - grouped by player type instead of individual extensions, added more information
* improved regex url matching
* removed old unused players, Eolas fix and UFO embedding
* image embedding moved to filter_urltolink
* new Flowplayer embedding API
* accessibility and compatibility tweaks in Flowplayer
* SWF embedding now works only in trusted texts, it is now enabled by default (works everywhere if "Allow EMBED and OBJECT tags" enabled)
* new default video width and height
New features:
* automatic Flash video resizing using information from video metadata
* Flash HD video support (*.f4v)
* Flash video embedding with HTML5 fallback - compatible with iOS and other mobile devices
* Vimeo embedding
* no-cookie YouTube site supported
* HTML 5 audio and video with multiple source URLs and QuickTime fallback
* more video and audio extensions in filelib.php
* MP3 player colours customisable via CSS in themes
* nomediaplugin class in a tag prevents media embedding
Very big theme changes, standardold theme has been split into two themes base and standard. Base theme contains only CSS that is absolutly required (e.g. layout, white space rules, specific widths) and standard (which now looks like standardwhite) contains all the frills.
The following noteable changes have also been made:
* Plugin CSS has been pushed back into the plugin directories as styles.css files.
* Install_print_header has been corrected.
* Redundant or deprecated rules have been removed.
* Several minor class changes throughout Moodle.
* CSS is now single line rules not multiline indented.
* Installs with theme=standardold automatically switch to standard.
* body classes / id now have prefixes to make it clearer what they are and avoid conflicts.
Also worth noting:
* There is still alot of tweaking that is required to get everything looking as it is supposed to, please be patient or better yet help out.
* I am currently working on the documentation for the themes system... it will be here soon.