It contains also experimental auth_get_userinfo() function, what is not used by moodle yet.
If you like to try it, create following $CFG variables to /config.php or directly to config-table and activate
ldap authentication from admin-configuration page.
$CFG->ldap_bind_dn "If your like to use bind-user to search users, specify it here. Someting like 'cn=ldapuser,ou=public,o=org'"
$CFG->ldap_bind_pw "Password for bind-user."
$CFG->ldap_contexts "List of contexts where users are located.
Separate different contexts with ';'. Something like 'ou=users,o=org; ou=other,o=org'"
$CFG->ldap_host_url "Specify LDAP host in URL-form like 'ldap://' or 'ldaps//' ";
$CFG->ldap_search_sub "Put value <> 0 if you like to search users from subcontexts.";
$CFG->ldap_user_attribute "What attribute is used to name/search users. Usually 'cn'. ";
More configuration optios are coming. This version is tested against Novell E-Directory without SSL and it works fine.
pluggable modules in the 'auth' directory.
Everything is done through authentication_user_login in lib/moodlelib.php
As well as the old default "email" confirmation, I added a new type of
confirmation "none", which basically does no confirmation at all.