The sections are created on the edit quiz page, and then appear in the
navigation panel when the quiz is being attempted to help students find
their way around.
The 'Shuffle questions' setting has been moved from being per-quiz
to being a per-section.
This commit is actually the joint work of Mahmoud Kassaei and Tim Hunt
from The Open University. We could only use one persons name for the
commit and this time Mahmoud gets the credit/blame.
The sequence of questions that made up a quiz used to be stored as a
comma-separated list in quiz.questions. Now the same information is
stored in the rows in the quiz_slots table. This is not just 'better' in
a database design sense, but it allows for the future changes we will
need as we enhance the quiz in the MDL-40987 epic.
Having changed the database structure, all the rest of the code needs to
be changed to account for it, and that is done here.
Note that there are not many unit tests for the changed bit. That is
because as part of MDL-40987 we will be changing the code further, and
we will add unit tests then.
Some message providers have an associated capability. For example
the mod/quiz:emailconfirmsubmission capability. At the moment,
we only show the preferences for the capabilities that the user
has in the system context.
That does not work for the example capability above. Typically
the capability will be overridden in one quiz, to allow for
Students, and the user will have the Student role in the course
context. Therefore, this message type does not appear on the
preferences page.
This fix corrects the logic, so that all message types that are
to the current user are displayed.