The admin setting updateautodeploy no longer exists. The two existing
config.php flags $CFG->disableupdateautodeploy and
$CFG->disableonclickaddoninstall merged into a single one.
This patch replaces all homegrown timezone
stuff with standard PHP date/time code.
The main change is the introduction of core_date
class that returns normalised user and server
timezones. From now on nobody should be using
$CFG->timezone or $user->timezone directly!
Other new features and fixes:
* admins are prompted for timezone during install
* editing of other users is finally fixed
* timezones are displayed in user profile
* new $this->setTimezone() in phpunit
* time locale is now automatically reset in phpunit
* timezone is now automatically reset in phpunit
* phpunit has Australia/Perth as default timezone
Both $CFG->logsql and $CFG->dblogerror had no use in moodle core
since ages ago (just the former had one use for nothing). Good time
to get rid of both as they are 100% misleading.
1. Create behat datadir within behat_dataroot not at same level
2. Define suffix for link and not use hard-coded values
3. Renamed ns_parallel to run.php
4. Rename variables to best understand them
5. Added support for each run to specify db, prefix, rerun and profile.
6. Showing number of steps in each line of parallel run.
This reverses the references used for global $USER and $SESSION,
the reason is that PHP does not allow references to references.
$USER is a reference to $GLOBALS['USER'] which means we cannot
put any references to it. Solution is to store the current user and session
objects in $GLOBALS['USER'] and $GLOBALS['SESSIOn'] are reference
them in $_SESSION.
This patch makes the session code behave the same way in CLI,
phpunit and normal web requests - this allows use to finally
unit test most aspects of the session code in Moodle.
This will also force files loaded from the CDN to instead come from the
local distribution since those patches will not be included in the CDN
Please see the documentation at for
important on using these changes.
1/ always require 3 behat settings - $CFG->behat_wwwroot, $CFG->behat_dataroot and $CFG->behat_prefix
2/ cleanup init code
3/ do not require $CFG->wwwroot and $CFG->dataroot on test sites
4/ remove switch completely - the most confusing part for me
5/ print out behat_wwwwroot in init script so that you can test the test site manually
List of changes:
* New OOP API using PHP namespace \core\session\.
* All handlers now update the sessions table consistently.
* Experimental DB session support in Oracle.
* Full support for session file handler (filesystem locking required).
* New option for alternative session directory.
* Official memcached session handler support.
* Workaround for memcached version with non-functional gc.
* Improved security - forced session id regeneration.
* Improved compatibility with recent PHP releases.
* Fixed borked CSS during install in debug mode.
* Switched to file based sessions in new installs.
* DB session setting disappears if DB does not support sessions.
* DB session setting disappears if session handler specified in config.php.
* Fast purging of sessions used in request only.
* No legacy distinction - file, database and memcached support the same functionality.
* Session handler name included in performance info.
* Fixed user_loggedin and user_loggedout event triggering.
* Other minor bugfixing and improvements.
* Fixed database session segfault if MUC disposed before $DB.
* Session access time is now updated right after session start.
* Support for $CFG->sessionlockloggedinonly was removed.
* First request does not update userid in sessions table.
* The timeouts may break badly if server hosting forces PHP.ini session settings.
* The session GC is a lot slower, we do not rely on external session timeouts.
* There cannot be any hooks triggered at the session write time.
* File and memcached handlers do not support session lock acquire timeouts.
* Some low level PHP session functions can not be used directly in Moodle code.