* each plugin has own thirdpartylibs.xml file
* added missing libraries
* fixed existing library infos
* new Site administration / Development / Third party libraries page
- Added configurable setting for path to mimetex binary
- Moved language strings from lang/en/admin.php to lang/en/filter_tex.php
- Config settings now stored in table config_plugins and retrieved
through get_config
- Added upgrade step to move TeX settings to the config_plugins table
and delete settings from the config table
MOV [configconvertformat,core_admin],[configconvertformat,filter_tex]
MOV [convertformat,core_admin],[convertformat,filter_tex]
MOV [latexpreamble,core_admin],[latexpreamble,filter_tex]
MOV [latexsettings,core_admin],[latexsettings,filter_tex]
MOV [pathconvert,core_admin],[pathconvert,filter_tex]
MOV [pathdvips,core_admin],[pathdvips,filter_tex]
MOV [pathlatex,core_admin],[pathlatex,filter_tex]
The new experimental setting enabletgzbackups allows backups to be
created so that the internal format for .mbz files is .tar.gz.
Restore transparently supports .mbz files with either internal
formats (.zip or .tar.gz).
The .tar.gz format has the following benefits for backup:
- Supports larger files (no limit on total size, 8GB on single file
vs. 4GB limit on total size)
- Compresses text better, resulting in smaller .mbz files.
- Reports progress regularly during compression of single files,
reducing the chance of timeouts during backups that include a
very large file.
Time performance may also be improved although I haven't done a
direct comparison.
A new packer for .tar.gz files (MIME type application/x-gzip) has been
implemented, including unit tests.
This packer is intended for use during backup/restore only and is not
otherwise exposed in the user interface at present. However, it is
supposed to follow the (ancient) POSIX .tar standard; files created
with this packer will open in GNU tar.
There are restrictions in support corresponding to the POSIX standard:
- Non-ASCII filenames are not supported.
- Very long file/path names are not supported.
- Individual files within the .tar may not be more than 8GB.
Some of these limitations might need to be addressed in future changes
if the packer were to be used in areas other than backup/restore.
When doing a backup or restore operation with the normal user interface,
if there is anything in the backup/restore log, it will now be displayed
at the end of the process below the Continue button.
If you have developer debugging enabled, it sets the display level to
LOG_DEBUG and there will always be content in the log. Otherwise, it
uses LOG_INFO which generally means the log is empty, and nothing
displays (no visible change for users).
* update checker refactored to \core\update\ namespace
* plugininfo classes refactored to \core\plugininfo\ namespace
* plugin_manager renamed to core_plugin_manager
* redirect back to original page after plugin uninstall
* fixed assign subplugin uninstall
* move assign subplugins under the assignment in admin tree
* fixed plugininfo for all question related plugin types
* auth uninstall support
* added missing block dependencies
* added theme uninstall
* subplugin types are following the plugin on plugin overview page
* several performance improvements in plugin manager
* new warnigns when plugininfo are outdated or missing
* multiple fixes and other improvements
* Fixed typo breaking drag and drop of courses.
* Fixed the ' ' title for the create new button plus two other icons I found as well.
* Adding padding to items displayed in the action menu drop down. base + bootstrapbase.
* Padding adjusted to the same as on the course page. base + bootstrapbase.
* Removed hover icon from categories. base only.
* Fixed categroy typo
* Removed min-width that was being applied to coursename making its clickable area larger than normal.
* The category tree is now presented using aria attributes as per
* Bulk action selectors now use aria-labelledby
* Category course count now given access hidden label.
* Pagination links now have better titles.
* The course action icons now present with role=button
* Navigation/settings now show best available option.
* Resorting categories works now for limited access user.
* Display of up and down arrows corrected.
* Checkboxes no longer displayed if an action can't be performed.
* Fixed the highlighing of the default category when no categories have been selected.
* Fixed the bug preventing the action menu for AJAX loaded categories from functioning.
* Repositioned course idnumber infront of course actions.
* Fixed display of moveup on first item and movedown on last item (courses and categories)
* Fixed up resort selected categories string.
* I can rebase this for you/the integrator before it goes in for sure no probs :)
* Fixed double phpdoc block of course_change_visibility
* Moved permission checks out of course_move_after_course and into helper function.
* Reviewed setType calls for editcategory_form.php.
* Reviewed all uses of can_resort and added more specific methods.
* Fixed method mentioned in exception for resort methods.
* Converted calls to fetch courses to call get_course.
* Exceptions now thrown when trying to move courses and problems arise.
* Fixed unnecessary namespace hinting in core_course_management_renderer.
* Abstracted common logic of can_resort_any and can_change_parent_any.
* Removed check for system level capability from has_manage_capability_on_any.
* Reviewed debugging calls I've introduced.
* Implemented a new course and category management page.
* Deprecated the old management interface.
* Unit tests to cover the new API and core functions.
* Behat tests to cover the new interface.
This parallels question_attempt->minfraction, which allows the
fractional mark to go below zere.
This is needed to allow the certainty-base marking behaviours to work